New with IBS

I'm new to paleo- day 4 to be exact.
So far, I'm loving it. I am sleeping better and my sinus infection is gone (I had it for about 4 days before starting). And I'm not ever as hungry, which is a good thing..

However, I am having problems with my IBS-C.

Does anyone have experience with this? Does it get better? What can I do to help this along?


  • melaniefave41
    melaniefave41 Posts: 222 Member
    Time and patience. You're on the right track by changing your diet, that's the only thing that has helped me.
  • bekkahlokey
    Thanks. I'm trying to be patient.. and I'm still taking my medication when it gets too bad/painful. I'm hoping to not have to use it every day. And I haven't taken it til today.
  • Dragonwolf
    Dragonwolf Posts: 5,600 Member
    Some thoughts:

    Eat more fats. Actually, eat more in general. You're not getting anywhere near your calories according to your diary. Try to get closer so you get the proper amount of nutrients. Try getting more fat calories in.

    Eat more fiberous veggies. Fiber helps with constipation. So it might help to try to increase the amount of fiber you get.

    Try some flax. Flax is a natural stool softener, which might help with your constipation (though I've seen mention that flax might irritate some IBS patients, so start small and listen to your body, or try it after you've tried other things).

    Stay hydrated. Shouldn't need any explanation here, but drink lots of water.

    Eat fermented foods/drink fermented drinks. Kombucha, saurkraut, kefir, and other fermented goods help feed and balance gut flora, improving gut health all around.

    Be patient. More complex issues take longer to see relief, so it may be a little while before you start seeing major changes. However, keep in mind that if this is the first day you've needed meds, and you were taking them more frequently than once every 4 days before going Paleo, that you're already seeing some improvement. It might not seem like it in the middle of an attack, but try to keep that in mind.
  • justaspoonfulofsugar
    Another thing to look at is the Auto Immune Protocol
    There are some fantastic sites out there that will help to lead you through the process.
    Here are a couple of them
  • bekkahlokey
    Thanks everyone! I actually am loving all of this advice.