Half-way through stage 3 and no loss

saramea Posts: 49 Member
I'm feeling a bit frustrated. :angry:

I have not lost any weight since starting back in July. I lost 1.5 inches around my waist, but nothing around my hips/belly or arms. I also gained 1 inch around each thigh, but this could be because my legs have always been thin.

I KNOW I am stronger and I feel more definition, but I'm just not seeing it. I took pictured this morning and compared them to some I took last summer at my lightest ( I did NR at home them so wasn't lifting very heavy put lost about 10lbs) but I'm not seeing much difference in the pics either. Clothes don't fit much looser either.

I've tried tightening up my eating the past 3 weeks at least trying to stay within my calorie goal, which is about 1510 (I'm 6ft, 170). I really either want to get back down to my pre-pregnancy weight of 160 or at least lose the mom-belly I'm still rockin. :grumble:

Am I the only one with this problem? I'm so tempted to quit right now :sad:


  • 40mpw
    40mpw Posts: 75 Member
    You aren't alone! I'm one workout from wrapping up Stage 3 and I've only officially lost 6 lbs. My diet has been, uh, a little less than perfect, so I attribute it to that. I'm going to stay the course, though. For one, I think lifting is good for my body and for another, I want to lose weight the same way I want to maintain my weight. Trying to keep my lifestyle realistic so I don't reach goal weight and then blow up. For me that means the weight is going to be very slow coming off.

    When I hear other women talk about how they started weight lifting and the weight just WHOOSHED off or that their weight stayed the same but they very quickly lost inches, I get kind of excited for myself and then bummed when I don't have the same results.

    You are really close to your goal weight and already within a healthy weight range. That is awesome, but it might make the last 10 lbs slow going.
  • AlsDonkBoxSquat
    AlsDonkBoxSquat Posts: 6,128 Member
    Progress pictures, make sure you are taking progress pictures.
  • Pmagnanifit
    Pmagnanifit Posts: 665 Member
    I am also struggling as my weight is normal and stable. It is helpful to think of other goals like a bigger lift. I am able to eat more and maintain weight.
  • saramea
    saramea Posts: 49 Member
    I took pictures the other day and compared to this time last year when I was 10lbs lighter. I look about the same, which is puzzling.
  • jamifishie
    jamifishie Posts: 26 Member
    At 6', 170 lbs, you probably need to be eating more than 1510 calories a day. I'm 5'6", 155lbs, and I'm eating about 1600, shooting for 120g of protein a do (though really, I get around 100 - 105). I started at the very end of July, am down only 2 pounds, but have been building lots of muscle all over the place. Maybe try upping your calories -- that'll promote muscle growth and you'll start seeing a difference.
  • glreim21
    glreim21 Posts: 206 Member
    I would also suggest reevaluation your calorie goal, i am 5"11 eating 2100 calories a day. I just started stage 3 last week, and have only lost 4 lbs but down 1.5% body fat. See if you can get your body fat checked, I bet it is decreasing.
  • bizco
    bizco Posts: 1,949 Member
    Re-evaluate all of your settings. Go to My Home>>Goals>>Change Goals>>Custom.

    Carefully review the lower right hand side of the screen. Your weekly weight loss goal should be 1.0-1.5 lbs. per week. You can overtype the "net calories consumed" on the left side to whatever you want and watch how that changes your weekly weight loss. Once you are satisfied with the calorie number, adjust the other settings to accommodate your heavy lifting. Mine are set to 45/30/25% carbs/protein/fat. MFP's defaults are dreadful. I suggest increasing your fiber to at least 25g daily, decrease your sodium to 1800-2200mg daily (the lower the better). Save your changes.

    If you're not losing weight it's because:
    1. You're underestimating the amount of food you're consuming, or
    2. You're overestimating the number of calories burned from exercise.

    Are you logging everything that goes into your mouth including all beverages and things used to cook with (butter, oils, etc.)?

    Are you using a digital food scale to weigh all your food in grams? Best $20 investment you can make. You'll be shocked at how much you're actually eating. Measuring cups just don't cut it.

    How are you arriving at the number of calories burned from exercise? Many HRMs overestimate calories burned so be careful when eating back your extra earned calories. My Timex HRM is ridiculously high so I cut it in half and log that. DO eat back those extra calories.

    Best of luck!
  • saramea
    saramea Posts: 49 Member
    Thanks for the suggestions. I'll have to keep an eye out for the digital food scale.

    I have my settings set for a sedentary lifestyle because I work in an office and am in school. 1510 is what MFP spit out.

    Recently it was recommended that I not eat my exercise calories back, which I started to do about 2 weeks ago. Some days I do it them back, but I try to keep it at 100-200 (when my HRM reads a 700-800 burn).

    I know I need to focus more on my macros and increase my protein. Can anyone recommend some %'s ?

    I did lose 1.5 inches around the narrowest part of my waist, however no losses on the widest part around by naval. I'm at 25.something % body fat based on the internet calculators.