Calorie Count

Hi Ladies! Thanks for adding me to the group :)

Question for you that use MFP to track your food - do you find that your calorie count is off by a bit? At the nutrition seminar Tanya's rule of thumb was to multiply your ideal weight x 13 to get your daily number of calories. The "budget" I'm getting from MFP seems a bit low. I usually use Lose It! to track my calories and I find that I get a more acurate budget using that app. Just wondering if anyone else had noticed the same thing.


  • Hi Julie,
    Go to: Settings
    Go to: GOALS
    You can manually change your goal to whatever your # is this way.

    ALSO: just a suggestion for a more interactive experience with other change your privacy preferences, so all your friends can view your diary....

    Go to: Settings
    Go to: diary sharing
    Change to friends only

    You can also change how many meals you eat. I am not fussy, and just add my extra stuff into snacks. However, great examples of fellow b9ers who choose to do this is corrie2323 and our fabulous instructor, Rebecca, tadpole252. Friend them and take a peak :)

    Another quick note:
    I wouldn't suggest adding in your exercise, as it will allow you extra calories to eat. I usually just write my exercise notes/whatever classes I am taking/how my day went/how many steps I had my food notes or exercise notes. It's for myself, however I don't mind if other members see what I am up to. DEF helps to keep me accountable.

    Please let me know if there is anything else you need. Your phone should also have the ability to scan labels to help you log items easier.

    :) Lauren