Insurance denied, no bypass for this girl

So, no bypass until 2014 for me. Can't afford it right now on our own, but we can next year, so I am going to try and stick to the my fitness pal and see what I can do for my self in the meantime. I have learned a lot in the last month, and think I can make a dent in my weight with that. (I hope) bummed yes, but kinda thankful too....My mom is going through chemo, my son is in a leg immobilizer for 8weeks, my daughter broke her tailbone, and my husband would have been at work during my surgery ( he works 3 weeks on 3 weeks off) so I have plenty going on to keep me busy ;)


  • DebbysJourney
    DebbysJourney Posts: 82 Member
    I know it's a disappointment, but like you listed, you have so much on your plate that it sounds like it's a blessing in disguise. I can't imagine having so many emotional issues at one time. {{hugs to you}} Your plan is a great one. Stick with FP, logging daily is a HUGE benefit. Plus the more you lose prior will only benefit your surgery when the time is right. Log on often for support. :)
  • sashahanrahan
    sashahanrahan Posts: 42 Member
    That is disappointing! I hope you are successful with your health journey and the surgery won't even be necessary.
  • Tristaan
    Tristaan Posts: 126 Member
    My goodness that is disappointing! I admire how you're keeping positive though. It will give you that much more time to change your eating habits so when you do have it next year you'll have that much more success!
  • ThineOwnselfBTrue
    ThineOwnselfBTrue Posts: 49 Member
    My hospital said if insurance would have denied there are two appeal processes (one is the hospital appeals it directly and the 2nd is the lapband attorney appeals it) they would have gone through to try to get it approved (if mine had not been approved). Could you check with your surgeon to see if your hospital does something like that?
  • janisbirch
    janisbirch Posts: 51 Member
    I understand the disappointment. I didn't have my insurance deny me; instead, I fell and broke my hip and went 5 months in pain before we figured that out! BUT, the good news is that I had time to change my diet, I did a bunch of research on the Gastric Sleeve for that is the route my Bariatric Surgeon said he'd perform on me; and I got myself organized with cleaning out cupboards so there were no temptations, and buying a blender for the weeks I'd be eating pureed foods, etc. I also weaned myself off all the opiates I was taking for Chronic Pain. So, I know now that is what now makes me successful after having the Gastric Sleeve done in July. I'm glad I had all the months to wait!

    Another bonus was that since it was documented what I weighed prior to the hip surgery, and what I weighed with my first visit with the Bariatric Surgeon, I didn't have to loose anymore weight prior to having the surgery. Some people in my group had to loose over 20 lbs! I was so relieved that I had that task behind me already.

    Another good thing is you can truly enjoy Thanksgiving and the other holidays. I'm not saying to "pig out" on all the food, but at least you won't have any diet restrictions! It also sounds like you have too much going on right now to spend the time taking care of yourself after having the surgery. You'll need these next few months to get organized if you haven't done so already.

    All the best to you and your family..... Janis