Sara's Meet Prep.



  • chrisdavey
    chrisdavey Posts: 9,834 Member
    where are the vids at??!!

    I do the same thing with my program. I have this awesome plan with all of my assistance stuff that will help me break through sticking points. Then this week did my 5x5 deadlifts and was absolutely destroyed. Assistance stuff can be done on another day :tongue:

    I do the same thing with chins. I like full ROM but my shoulders do not so I just go down until nearly a dead hang but not to where the shoulders are "out" of the socket I guess. No clunking that way :smile:

    Chex ftw hey!
  • Sarauk2sf
    Sarauk2sf Posts: 28,072 Member
    I probably should upload some vids. I think I will upload my "test" day ones - last heavy session before the meet. It will be daytime also. I lift outside and it is usually dark when I do.
  • Sarauk2sf
    Sarauk2sf Posts: 28,072 Member

    Weight: 149.6

    Week 4: Lower power day

    As I was lifting at home and it was getting late when I started (I lift outside), I did deads first so I did not piss off the neighbors too much.


    75 x 10
    95 x 10
    125 x 5
    165 x 3
    195 x 3
    215 x 2
    235 x 1
    255 x 1 - bar flew up)
    Belted from here
    285 x 1 - good bar speed and very happy with my set up - I just need to remember to keep my chin tucked. Tiny bit of back rounding
    275 x 1 for 4 sets - good bar speed and form on these - still forgetting too keep my chin tucked. I start with it down but have a tendency to raise my head which I think is causing my back to round a little (well, that and its heavy).

    I was really happy with my session. Bar speed was great and I seem to have got my set up synced. However, the lifts are not completely comparable to last week as I did deads at the end last week.

    I am even happier however as I just checked my log - my PR the last time I was at this weight (pre bulk) was 280lb. It was for conventional but my form is 1000 x better.


    45 x 10
    75 x 10
    95 x 5
    125 x 3
    145 x 3
    165 x 2
    195 x 2
    215 x 1
    245 x 1 - happy with this as it equals last week - but this time was done after deads.
    225 x 2
    215 x 2 for 8 sets - happy with this as well - 5lb more than last week.

    I did not do the walk outs as my back was a little fatigued.

    Then I threw some front squat singles in for sh!ts and giggles:

    165 x 1
    185 x 1

    Had an internal debate as to whether to carry on..decided to eat more food instead!
  • Love4fitnesslove4food2
    Your weigh in plan sounds good. I know you'll make it. Some diuretics would be good. Cut salt for a day or two beforehand and you'll certainly make it.
  • Sarauk2sf
    Sarauk2sf Posts: 28,072 Member

    Weight: 150.6 (oop)

    Rest day


    Weight: I *think* it was 149.8, but I didn't note it down straight away.

    So, I did a kind of mock test day. Obviously, it was a bit different as I did not make it last all day, but I wanted to at least get some practice at the warm ups and lift selection. I purposely only did what would have been my first two lifts (except squats - see comments below) so I did not end up going too heavy.


    Bar x 8
    95 x 5
    125 x 3
    165 x 2
    185 x 1
    215 x 1

    Opener: 225lb - I was not sure I got depth on this so decided that I should go just a little heavier. The lift was pretty easy so it was not a strength issue. I think doing that would have been the right decision, but input is appreciated
    Second - 235 - again, not sure on depth on this, so I gave it another go.
    Third - 235lb - ummmm.....was not sure on depth in this either. I realize that there are no do-overs in a meet but I wanted to make sure I got my depth sorted so -
    Fourth - 235lb - definitely got this as I made sure to go low

    Then, on watching the lifts on my computer, I realized that I got depth on all of them, or at least it looked like it /smh.

    Just for input

    - this was my opener at 225lb:

    - this was my second lift, the first at 235lb: this one is a little iffy re depth

    - this was my third lift, the second at 235lb: - I think the depth (now) is solid

    - this was my fourth lift, the third at 235lb: got pretty low on this as I wanted to make sure (ignore my knees cracking, they do it all the time...the joys of getting old!)

    Onto bench (all paused):

    Bar x 8
    75 x 5
    95 x 3
    105 x 2
    120 x 1

    Opener: 130lb
    Second: 140lb

    Happy with this - the 140lb is the most I have done paused. I am however going to play around with benching with and without my belt. I get a better arch without a belt and I am not sure if the benefit I get from the belt makes up for the loss of my arch. I only started benching with a belt recently.


    105 x 5
    165 x 3
    195 x 1
    235 x 1
    then belted

    Opener: 260lb - pretty good bar speed and decent form -

    Second lift: 290lb - again, decent bar speed (considering) and form although you can tell it was a bit of a strain from my squeaky grunt. It broke the ground pretty well though which is the sticking point for me if I am going to miss a pull.

    - 260lb -
    - 290lb -

    In both lifts though I am bringing my head up again...I really need to focus on that.

    All in all, pretty happy after I got over my squat depth concerns.

    Now...trying to get decent sleep and some lighter lifting and mobility work. Plus trying not to eat all teh foodz.
  • chrisdavey
    chrisdavey Posts: 9,834 Member
    great stuff! Squats all looked good.

    I think you've got a fair bit in that deadlift. I think if you start with your hips a little lower and make sure you get those shoulders back behind the bar a bit you will be in a much stronger position. Here is a decent example (not perfect angle sorry) You are semi sumo right?
  • Sarauk2sf
    Sarauk2sf Posts: 28,072 Member
    great stuff! Squats all looked good.

    I think you've got a fair bit in that deadlift. I think if you start with your hips a little lower and make sure you get those shoulders back behind the bar a bit you will be in a much stronger position. Here is a decent example (not perfect angle sorry) You are semi sumo right?

    Thanks Chris. I am a mid-stance sumo - shins line up with the notches. I tried to start with a lower hip position, but every time I do my butt rises early and I end up in the position I am starting in, in that video, at the end. I think I get away with it due to my freaky spinal erectors =). After the meet I am going to play around a bit and might flip flop with conventional for a while. I may also try a wider stance and see how I get on with that.

    Just realized that I did not include the 2nd squat - but it was about the same depth as the second. I was just watching some vids of meets - and to my eye, they all appear a bit shallow, even though they got white lights, so maybe I am just overly harsh on depth.
  • Sarauk2sf
    Sarauk2sf Posts: 28,072 Member
    Quick update:


    4-Nov-13 150.5
    5-Nov-13 148.9
    6-Nov-13 148.5

    Under the top of the weight range. Now I just need to avoid the damn girl scout candy that is appearing in the office.

    Did a short bench session to test whether I was going to go beltless and to try out my new wrist wraps.

    Not belted and all paused except the warm up with the bar:

    Bar x 10
    65 x 5
    75 x 3
    95 x 3 (2 sets)
    105 x 2
    125 x 1
    135 x 1

    Supersetted with a couple sets of neutral grip pull ups at the end.

    My arch was much better and I felt pretty solid so I am going with no belt.

    Now I need to decide whether my opener will be 125 or 130.

    I will try to get a light 'ish session in tomorrow with squats and maybe deads (keeping it really light with deads) and that will be my last session before the meet.
  • chrisdavey
    chrisdavey Posts: 9,834 Member
    gotcha :)

    Definitely go conservative on the opener. 2nd and third are the ones to go hard as.
  • Slrajr
    Slrajr Posts: 438 Member
    2 more sleeps:) You're going to be so awesome!
  • Slrajr
    Slrajr Posts: 438 Member
    I'll be thinking of you tomorrow:flowerforyou:
    It's going to be a great day! I truly wish I could be there to watch.