Get up, get outside and make the most of the day. Not all workouts have to be completed in a gym. Go for a walk or a hike!! Find some stairs or bleachers at a local high school and go up and down them as many times as you can. The more you move, the more calories you burn! Happy Sunday!!


  • BMcC9
    BMcC9 Posts: 4,443 Member
    It was raining here on Sunday ..... but Saturday weather was wonderful; Monday not bad just cloudy; and today was wonderful. Of course. After all it IS my b'day.
  • BMcC9
    BMcC9 Posts: 4,443 Member
    It was raining here on Sunday ..... but Saturday weather was wonderful; Monday not bad just cloudy; and today was wonderful. Of course. After all it IS my b'day.

    I got in my 30 minutes hard ellipticalling as planned before supper.
  • valerie91711
    I hope you had a wonderful birthday! It has been so cold here in the mornings I haven't gone on a morning walk the last few days. I need to find my long yoga pants!
  • BMcC9
    BMcC9 Posts: 4,443 Member
    Its' been cold in the mornings to the point of fog, but warming up by the mid-to-end of the day (on non-rainy days)

    NSV to report - for less than the cost of 2 envelopes of instant oatmeal from the caffeteria, I picked up a box of 12 on the way in to work .... for less than the cost of 3 pre-cooked servings of oatmeal (which admittedly tastes better that the instant, but costs more than a less-healthy muffin-monster would) I got not only the 12-pack of instant, but also some dried cranberries and chopped pecans from the bulk-food section to mix in.