Check in

leanne0605 Posts: 183 Member
How is everyone doing so far?


  • Adc7225
    Adc7225 Posts: 1,318 Member
    2 out of 3 . . . I increased my weekend steps.

    On Friday I earned my Fitbit 500 mile badge, it took me exactly 100 days! I am going to try for the next 500 in 90 days and that fits in with my goal to increase my weekend steps.
    I also limited my mirror time, for me it can get depressing, gravity is not nice :smile:

    I have not picked up a weight, but I did sign up to volunteer at my local Food Bank and that will give my arms a workout!
  • ElizabethT72
    ElizabethT72 Posts: 9 Member
    Hi. I am very excited I have lost 7lbs so far. I have given up my cokes! And I drink a lot of water now. :smile: I would love to know how everyone else is doing?
  • Adc7225
    Adc7225 Posts: 1,318 Member

    I am doing okay, not sure if I have lost anything but I am not feeling so bad when I look in the mirror.

    I have averaged around 12,000 steps per day but I did not make my daily goal of over 10,000 per day a couple of days - but that is okay! I want these changes to be real life changes so, some days will be better than others :wink:

    I am also doing a 'Ride Your Stationary Bike Every Day in October Challenge' and so far I am on track with that. I also joined a 'No Halloween Candy Challenge' from 10/15 - 11/5 (3 weeks), Halloween candy does not bother me since the food dye in most candy really bothers me, but PMS without Chocolate, I should have taken a better look at the calendar!!!! But I have a small candy shrine at home just waiting for me . . . though it seems the more I look at it the less I want it. That would be one of the best things to come from this challenge.

    How is everyone else doing?