Fit Test Day 1

Well, I completed my first Fit Test yesterday! I have attempted Insanity before, but I definitely forgot how hard it is! I was dying by the end of each Fit Test exercise. I love the way I feel AFTER working out so hard. I am going to need to remember that when I am dreading the workout before hand. My back is already a little sore from the push-up jacks yesterday! I know that those of us doing Insanity are going to have to get used to being sore in places we didn't even know existed! How are all of you doing with the program whether you're starting or have been at it for a while...?


  • Nishay113
    hello well me right now i'm on day 12...and its getting awesome
  • kandalure
    kandalure Posts: 28 Member
    Just finished day 3. I am sore but determined to complete the program this time around!