Week 13 - The cut continues - and some new developements

sassiebritches Posts: 1,861 Member
Well I am back from my normal 1 week a month out of town, happy to say that I did not put on a single pound this trip!!!!!!!! I ate often, ate well and maintained what I went with. I am week 2 of eating at my true TDEE - I did a 12 week reset. after week 8, I used a figure that told me I had been eating the wrong TDEE, so I upped my TDEE 400 cals over what I really should have been eating....and un-necassarily I gained 15lbs the last 2 weeks. They are still with me :/ with some careful planning and help from our awesome veterans, I lowered my TDEE back down to it's correct amount (my original TDEE done for 8 weeks) and that is where I am now.

On to the new developments. While away on my trip, I saw my sister and niece and nephew. IMMEDIATELY my sister came to me and said "Um sis......you know all this" motioning to my large round bloated stomach :/ she continued" I think you need to stop eating wheat." I looked at her a minute and said continue - she went on to ask me a few questions about how I was feeling....I mentioned that I was having some trouble with my neck and joints, depression, headaches, that I had always thought might be related to carbs, that I always felt really yucky after eating processed foods, like I was getting the flu, etc. Though my sister is not a nutritionist or even a doctor, she is an expert at all things Gluten. My 13 year old niece was diagnosed with Celiacs Disease when she was 9. But was born with it. She suffered the effects until that diagnosis. Since then my sister has made it her life to protect her from all things Gluten. She mentioned some symptoms and told me to consider that I may have a Gluten intolerance ( I refuse to believe I am Celiac, that disease is serious and I make no light of the illnesses that follow it). So she recommended I stop eating Gluten for 1 week and see how I feel. I am day 2. And though I think my protein bar might have traces, thus far all is good. Bloated feeling is down...THANK GOODNESS! So there are some new adjustments for me during this cut time. I was a Low Carber for 8 months prior to deciding to get back to normal and eat. I think that background will help me in this non-gluten journey. So there it is :) No more wheat bread for me :) No more noodles, no sweet cakes that are not gluten free. I am optimistic and hopeful that this will get to the bottom of a lot of my negative issues of late :)


  • heybales
    heybales Posts: 18,842 Member
    Great find.

    That is also stress on your body besides the direct results of sensitivity to it.

    Always helps to get rid of whatever stresses you can.
  • sassiebritches
    sassiebritches Posts: 1,861 Member
    Agreed, just the normal everyday stresses are enough thanks :p Adding chemical stresses is not needed :P
    Great find.

    That is also stress on your body besides the direct results of sensitivity to it.

    Always helps to get rid of whatever stresses you can.
  • Noor13
    Noor13 Posts: 964 Member
    I would still try to slowly introduce them again after some time, to see if he problem really is gluten. Happy to hear you are feeling better. You can try if you toerste spelt better than wheat, that's often the case with peopke who are sensitive to gluten.
  • FourIsCompany
    FourIsCompany Posts: 269 Member
    That's great that you did so well on your week away! Congratulations on that!

    I am pretty sensitive to gluten, but can take a very small amount, so I don't have to be concerned with every little crumb, like a Celiac would, but it's "hidden" in so many things! Even some yogurt uses gluten to get the right texture on the fruit... Ugh! I buy very few certified gluten-free products and mostly just avoid processed foods. Fresh and whole foods are the key, IMO.
  • jbnl1991
    jbnl1991 Posts: 149
    Congrats on not gaining on your week out of town! I know you have struggled with this. Great job!

    My daughter has a wheat allergy (but is not Celiac) and my household gave up wheat about 18 months ago. My daughter can now swim and exercise without her inhaler and she takes far fewer allergy meds.

    I cannot take any anti-inflammatory pain medication since I gave my sister a kidney and I noticed a large decrease in joint pain once I stopped eating wheat. I still indulge every once in a while, but consider if the pain is worth the treat.

    I am in week two of my cut and finally used to eating less than my TDEE. Hard to imagine that I found it hard to eat this much when I started this process!