Advice for runners

likitisplit Posts: 9,420 Member

Today's quiz consists of just one question. And here it is:

1. In a recent article for the Greensboro (N.C.) News & Record, "Running Shorts" columnist Eddie Wooten profiled a man named Carl Cook who "won his age group, 65-69, at the Magnificent Mile state championship in Raleigh, finishing in five minutes and 43 seconds and wiping out by 25 seconds the USA Track & Field North Carolina record." A photograph of Mr. Cook running accompanied the article. Below are four comments from readers reacting to the article. Three are fake. Which one is real?

A. "Your recent profile of Carl Cook was incredible. Mr. Cook is living proof that running truly is a sport for life. What an inspiration! Keep up the good work!"

B. "Why didn't you blur his shirt? Nice work, moron."

C. "This fella you wrote about: He's got the body of an 85-year-old person. I was looking at his upper arm close to his shoulder, and his face and the rest of his body. I think he should forget about runnin' and concentrate on a high-protein, high-fat diet, high calories, and a lot of calcium and a lot of protein and forget about that runnin'. I think it's killin' him. If he does that and quits runnin', he will look much younger and feel a hell of a lot better. Thank you."

D. "I like them French fried potaters."


  • btsinmd
    btsinmd Posts: 921 Member
    Those pictures of people crossing the line after running as fast as they can don't always show people looking model perfect. :smile:
  • likitisplit
    likitisplit Posts: 9,420 Member
    Well, in a way...fat people do look younger. And that's what you'd get if you quit running and went on a high protein, high fat, high carb, high calcium diet. As a matter of fact, I was on that diet right before I learned how to run :)
  • rduhlir
    rduhlir Posts: 3,550 Member
    Sorry but I didn't get it. Must be slow today lol
  • likitisplit
    likitisplit Posts: 9,420 Member
    Sorry but I didn't get it. Must be slow today lol

    The answer is: C. "This fella you wrote about: He's got the body of an 85-year-old person. I was looking at his upper arm close to his shoulder, and his face and the rest of his body. I think he should forget about runnin' and concentrate on a high-protein, high-fat diet, high calories, and a lot of calcium and a lot of protein and forget about that runnin'. I think it's killin' him. If he does that and quits runnin', he will look much younger and feel a hell of a lot better. Thank you."

    This guy in his late 60's was one of the (maybe) 10 fastest people on the course and set a new time for his age group in the state and some *kitten* thinks that he should stop running and eat a whole bunch. It's like the MFP forum, but in real life

    Answer B is an in-joke from Remy's Kipsang spoof.