Another keto overview

jen_zz Posts: 1,011 Member

Another great article that motivates me to stay on keto!

Btw anyone read the book "Grain Brain"?

I listened to the author's podcast interview with Robb Wolf, was quite impressed.


  • ginnyntonic
    ginnyntonic Posts: 28 Member
    I have been listening to the audio book and it is pretty good. He puts together a lot of studies that look at all the different ways high carb foods can hurt your brain and high fat foods can help. In particular I didn't realize how dangerous statins could be and I am really convinced by some of the connections he drew between high blood sugar/insulin levels and dementia. On the other hand, I am a little wary of his sweeping claims about grains being behind pretty much every mental ailment out there. I distrust people who say that their program is the cure for every single medical problem and even though he had some anecdotal stories about cutting how cutting gluten helped a kid's ADD or mental problems I think it was irresponsible to imply that serious things like autism and schizophrenia could be caused by or cured by diet without having strong studies to back you up.