New to group

BDOUG2371 Posts: 29 Member
Hi, I'm 42 and 375 lbs. Been stuck here for awhile. I was 220 lbs after graduating High school 24 years ago! I was 275 lbs when I started my current job 18 years ago and I was 330 lbs about 10 years ago. My highest weight was 403 and after kidney surgery and being in the hospital 12 days I lost 30+ lbs and went to 368. Been playing with the same 10-12 lbs for 2 years now. What can I do? Help! I drive a bus all day and am very sedative and of course I eat the wrong foods. How can I get away from those foods without craving them? What can I eat while on the road that is quick? Been trying bananas but for some reason too many give me heartburn. Any thoughts welcomed.


  • WinniDePoux
    THe hardest part of changing my diet has been the cravings. My diet has been significantly changed recently, not due to my own efforts, but my hubby's change in his own diet (which means, since I cook, it changes the whole families diet!). Here are my thoughts:

    1) to help with heartburn avoid too much of any one thing, but especially high sugar items. I never had heartburn before I hoisted on an extra hundred pounds. Soda's kill me now, even just a cup, as well as stuff made entirely of refined flour and sweets. Sucks, but usually I will choose being pain-free to eating the candy (usually!). The hubby has GERD and taking out refined foods and sweets, as well as not laying down till 3 hours after he ate has all but gotten rid of it, no meds. Oh, if it flares up, it sounds crazy and counter intuitive to the advice I just gave you but a teaspoon of honey covered in a layer of cinnamon works crazy well!

    2) As far as a diet change, do it slow or you will jsut get sick of it. It is too hard to try and get used to all the new foods and all new recipes all at once. Pick out vegetable and find a new, healthy recipe to try this week with it. The rest of the week can be the same diet, just less.

    3) Make time to exercise. Even if it is walking around your bus on breaks. You get really tired out at first, but eventually your body gets used to expending that level of energy. Your energy just seems to increase slowly.

    4) Decide to find fun activities to do that are physical. I always feel like a walrus doing thesse things at first, but eventually I get out of my own head and just have a good time. Hike, swim, play ball, whatever. If you don't have family or friends that will do those things with you, try finding a supportive group. When you find some recreational activity that you really enjoy it is motivating to get in better shape!

    Just some thoughts. :-)
  • GemPlump
    Very good advice Winnie. I tell myself even a brief walk is better than nothing.
  • Memorableheart
    Memorableheart Posts: 69 Member
    Hi Everybody. I am trying to lose 100 pounds and as of now I have 67 pounds to go. I am married to my handsome and smart husband for almost 7 years and we have two crazy kids who we love so much!:)

    I started my journey on December 10 2013 when I could not catch my breathe walking back from putting my daughter on the school bus. I have high blood pressure and high cholesterol and I am only 33 years old. I recently lost my mom. She was 53 years old and she passed away from a heart attack. My heart is still heavy from losing her. I miss her every day. And the hurt and pain I feel I do not want my love ones to feel the same if they loss me at an early age. I made a promise to my family that I would get healthy and so far I am doing great.

    It is nice to meet everyone. Add me as a friend if you like.
  • yevaud1961
    yevaud1961 Posts: 7 Member
    I'm back after being away for a year. I am at about the same place I was last time, but a little lighter, and more active, so that's good! I am determined to do it this time - I am so tired of being tired, out of energy, sore... and I do feel better. My problem so far is that I am at a loss as to what to fix foodwise - I look at recipe sites/mags etc. and everything looks good, but when I get to the store, even with a menu, nothing appeals. That's a rut I have to get out of... at least it's summer and grillin' season!
    Anyway, my thoughts and prayers are with all of us on this journey, no matter the speed may it always go forward!