All members on here, READ ME!

Hello ladies, my names Josi, I am 32 and have 2 kiddos, a 3. 5 yr old boy and a 16 mo old daughter. I live in Denver, Colorado. I am not new to MFP, but i've never really stuck with it. I've never looked into the groups on here, and as i was browsing, i found this one. I find that when I am trying to help others achieve thier goals, that they in turn help me achieve mine. I have started, stopped, started, stopped, all kinds of weight control, weight loss, pills, drinks, excercise, etc...which I'm sure you are all INTIMATELY familiar with. What I'm needing is some awesome mom's to help hold me accountable, as well as me hold them accountable. So, are any of you on here still excited about this? Excitement and passion seem to start out strong, and then slowly drains as we don't follow through on our end, and don't see any change, until we finally just stop doing it. That is what I do. Well, we need to not STOP. we need to always try try harder and try try again. and one of my favorite quotes I've seen lately, is at my LaBoxing gym (yeah, trying freakin hard) but it is "IF YOU ARE TIRED OF GIVING UP, STOP STARTING OVER"

So, if any of you share any of these same feelings, and you want a new friend who will support you and bug you about eating and excercise, well, then please respond. I need all the help I can get, and I want to help anyone who needs it too.

Thanks for reading! Hope to hear from anyone.

Josi Coleman