More about you?

Hi guys, me again. I created the post to "all members read me" and I hope you do. From the looks of the introduce myself post, looks like everyone answered in February of this year...but don't see much more past that. So, i want to say hi again, and tell you a little more about myself, and I hope you all do the same

I'm a SAHM to my 3 1/2 year old son Hudson, and my 16 month old daughter Aiyana. i do work very part time as an administrative assistant to my father for his company. My mom watches my kids while I work for him. Pretty sweet deal.

I have about 80 lbs to lose. I know how to eat right, but I don't. I do for awhile, but once the passion and excitement wares off, I am lured back to the fatty goodness of all the horrible, tasty foods. But, I always start over, and try again. One of these days, i'm sure that it's going to stick, and I will get it. I will eat what i'm supposed to eat (with the occasional goody) and get in shape so I can chase my kids around.

I am currently a new member of LA BOXING which was just bought by UFC (ultimate fighting champion) so now that's who they are affiliated with. It's a lot of fun, but man, it's hard work. I don't ever want to go, but at the same time I can't wait to go and get my butt kicked. I've signed a contract, so I CANNOT back out of this one.

I hope that some of you want to get back to it and get back on track. I love making new friends, and I love motivating people. I have a hard time motivating myself however. So help.

Hope to hear about more of you soon!
