How accurate do food measurements need to be?

jordymils Posts: 230 Member
I'm currently doing my reset and measure MOST of my food and liquids, but just wondering if it will really make a difference to my progress if I don't measure EVERYTHING??

For example, if I'm making breakfast I will measure out my oats, milk, seeds (although usually with seeds/nuts I have measured them in the past and always use the same spoon, so I don't weigh it every single time but I know it's pretty much the same) but if I'm making a salad I don't measure/weigh the amount of vegetables that I use (spinach, cucumber, tomato, capsicum, etc) and I'll just use 1/2 an avocado that I know will be roughly 70g but don't weigh it each time.
I also don't usually weigh apples, bananas etc that I eat and just go by the standard size or buy similar sized pieces that I know will weigh around a certain amount.

If I'm measuring and weighing the main components of my diet (carbs, oils, proteins except eggs, etc) how big of a deal is it that I'm not weighing and measuring every little thing that I consume? I just find it exhausting and time consuming to worry about every single gram of food...
Also, will it make a difference if I continue this way once I finish my reset and enter cut phase?


  • FitterBody
    FitterBody Posts: 367 Member
    1) Read post 1 by SideSteel and

    2) then watch the video in post 4 by Sarauk2sf in this thread and see if you still think the same.....

    (Credit & Thanks to both SideSteel & Sarauk2sf)...

    "This is a great video showing the inaccuracies and how the calories add up when measuring v weighing"
  • jordymils
    jordymils Posts: 230 Member
    Thanks, I'll have a look at that tomorrow.

    I should mention that I do LOG everything, but I'll log a 'medium carrot' or '1/2 capsicum' or something instead of exact weight. I also have my MFP calories set a touch low to allow for the few extra calories that I'm probably not quite accounting for, but I'll definitely have a look at that post.
  • FitterBody
    FitterBody Posts: 367 Member
    Depending on how calorie dense the food is you may find the difference is tiny, but it could just as easily be HUGE!

    When you read SideSteel's post and watch Sara's video link it will all be clearer.