Introduce yourself



  • fitniknik
    fitniknik Posts: 713 Member
    1. Your name, age, and where you live (as much as you are comfortable providing) Nikki, I live in Minnesota
    2. What are your current goals? Lose that 25-30 I gained back after Initially losing 35-40 :(
    3. Describe your current eating habits? Getting better....
    4. Are you doing Shakeology along with the T25 workouts? No
    5. Do you have any physical limitations? No
    6. What is your biggest struggle? Motivation
    7. Other workout programs you have done in the past... Almost all beach body programs, cardio, jamie eason 16 week trainer, etc
  • 1. Your name, age, and where you live (as much as you are comfortable providing)

    My name is Ashley and I reside in Texas.

    2. What are your current goals?

    My current goal is to lose 30lbs

    3. Describe your current eating habits?

    I eat between 1300 - 1500 calories a day. I splurge one day a week. I have good and bad days..

    4. Are you doing Shakeology along with the T25 workouts?

    Not at the moment, but I have a few samples that I would like to try.

    5. Do you have any physical limitations?

    No Physical Limitations.

    6. What is your biggest struggle?

    Sweets and maintating my goal weight. I can lose weight but I can't keep it off.

    7. Other workout programs you have done in the past.

    None, T-25 is my first workout program. In the past I would participate in gym classes, such as spin class and boot camp.
  • marissalea93
    marissalea93 Posts: 55 Member
    1. Your name, age, and where you live (as much as you are comfortable providing)

    -Marissa, 20, Indiana

    2. What are your current goals?

    -To lose at least 25lbs by my 21st birthday in October. I would love to lose 60, but I'm trying to keep my goals small for now.

    3. Describe your current eating habits?

    -Terrible! LOL! But really, I am an incredibly busy person, and I love food, which are two horrible combinations. I work constantly, and adding in my school work makes it ten times harder to eat healthy and fit my exercise in!

    4. Are you doing Shakeology along with the T25 workouts?

    -I have Shakeology, but haven't started it yet. I have completed Day 1 of T25.

    5. Do you have any physical limitations?

    -Nope I'm good to go!

    6. What is your biggest struggle?

    -Motivation and time management. I have a terrible time talking myself into workouts and fitting them into my schedule.

    7. Other workout programs you have done in the past.

    -Insanity, Hip-Hop Abs, Jillian Micheals, although they never last more than a week.
  • jkatz83
    jkatz83 Posts: 4 Member
    . Your name, age, and where you live (as much as you are comfortable providing)
    Jennifer, 35, Hudson, OH

    2. What are your current goals?
    I want to loose 25lbs by end of March 2014.

    3. Describe your current eating habits?
    Lost 15lbs on weight watchers this summer by changing my eating habits and exercising. Would like to continute (after a few weeks off) and gain muscle definition.

    4. Are you doing Shakeology along with the T25 workouts?

    5. Do you have any physical limitations?

    6. What is your biggest struggle?
    Want results fast...

    7. Other workout programs you have done in the past.
    Weight watchers, half marathon training, etc.
  • 1. Your name, age, and where you live (as much as you are comfortable providing)

    Dea, 36, Michigan

    2. What are your current goals?

    I would like to lose 50lbs. I know it's going to take time, but that is my ultimate goal.

    3. Describe your current eating habits?

    Not very good. That's something I'm trying to work on. If I could just put the pop down and drink more water.....

    4. Are you doing Shakeology along with the T25 workouts?

    No I've never tried Shakeology.

    5. Do you have any physical limitations?


    6. What is your biggest struggle?

    Time Management, Drinking enough water, Sticking with a program and not giving up.

    7. Other workout programs you have done in the past.

    Jillian Michaels, Turbo Jam, Hip Hop Abs (But I have never completed any of them)
  • Mandy_SD
    Mandy_SD Posts: 29 Member
    Just got my T25 in the mail today and I'm really excited to start! Hopefully we will all motivate and keep each other on track :smile:

    1. My name is Amanda. I'm 33 and live in a small South Dakota town.

    2. I'd love to lose around 10 pounds and be more tone.

    3. Currently I do shakes in the morning and try to watch what I eat.

    4. I'm not doing Shakeology, I've tried it but just didn't like the taste.

    5. No physical limitations.

    6. Motivation is my weakness. I start off strong and tend to have the "all or nothing" mentality. So if I slip up or don't work out it snowballs.

    7. I've done TurboFire in the past and had great success. I was able to meet my fitness goals but slowly over time the weight came back on.
  • nineohseven
    nineohseven Posts: 23 Member
    1. Your name, age, and where you live (as much as you are comfortable providing)
    My name is Jo and I live in Alaska
    2. What are your current goals?
    Is to lose about 50 pounds
    3. Describe your current eating habits?
    I eat between 1200 to 1450 calories a day
    4. Are you doing Shakeology along with the T25 workouts?
    Not doing the shakeology but in future may be
    5. Do you have any physical limitations?
    6. What is your biggest struggle?
    Staying focused and finishing programs
    7. Other workout programs you have done in the past.
    Yes 30 days shred and Zumba fitness
  • dsearle67
    dsearle67 Posts: 50 Member
    Hello everyone! I just received my T25 dvds in the mail yesterday. Will start on Mon Nov 4! Here are my stats:

    1. Your name, age, and where you live (as much as you are comfortable providing) My name is Denise, age 46 live in upstate NY.

    2. What are your current goals? To lose weight, be healthy and run again.

    3. Describe your current eating habits? 80% paleo

    4. Are you doing Shakeology along with the T25 workouts? No. Would like to try but too expensive for me right now.

    5. Do you have any physical limitations? I have foot problems (PF) and cannot run or impact my feet.

    6. What is your biggest struggle? I am impatient and get frustrated when the scale doesn't move.

    7. Other workout programs you have done in the past. Turbo Jam, Turbo Fire (but never completed)

    SW: 304
    CW: 263
    GW: 170

    Looking forward to seeing the progress on this program!
  • lisalebrun
    lisalebrun Posts: 17 Member
    Hi! I'm starting T25 tomorrow!

    Here are my stats:

    1. Your name, age, and where you live (as much as you are comfortable providing) My name is Lisa, I just turned 40 and I live in Michigan.

    2. What are your current goals? To lose weight and tone up my body which somehow has gone totally soft!

    3. Describe your current eating habits? Not good. I'm a carb lover.

    4. Are you doing Shakeology along with the T25 workouts? I wish I could afford to.

    5. Do you have any physical limitations? Not really. I have some back issues, but I think that is a result of my core being so weak.

    6. What is your biggest struggle? Diet and making time for myself

    7. Other workout programs you have done in the past? Weight watchers and general exercise at the Y, no beach body programs
  • 1. Stephanie, 32, Outside of Boston, MA
    2. To lose 20lbs and gain muscle
    3. Mostly carb-free, high in protein and veggies/fruits
    4. No, have to look into it, I actually have no clue what it is
    5. No physical limitations
    6. One small indulgence can quickly make me fall off the good eating wagon
    7. Worked with a trainer for the past year until I moved. Been jogging and going to bootcamp and barre classes weekly for the last few months.
  • BiancaCaputi23
    BiancaCaputi23 Posts: 25 Member
    1. Your name, age, and where you live (as much as you are comfortable providing)
    Bianca, 22, Massachusetts
    2. What are your current goals?
    Lose fat & gain confidence
    3. Describe your current eating habits?
    I am currently following a low carb / high fat lifestyle
    4. Are you doing Shakeology along with the T25 workouts?
    5. Do you have any physical limitations?
    6. What is your biggest struggle?
    sticking to the plan, not getting bored
    7. Other workout programs you have done in the past.

    I will be starting this Nov 4th and I am doing it along with Jamie Eison's LiveFit Trainer (strength training). I look forward to the coming weeks & anyone who would like to add me for extra support is more then welcome!! Good luck :)

    CW 152.8
  • IokiOcto
    IokiOcto Posts: 123 Member
    1. Jodi, 33, Scranton, Pennsylvania

    2. Still need to lose 42 lbs to meet my ideal weight for my height.

    3. Right now I am eating a Balanced diet (40 protein/30 carbs/30 fats)

    4. Yes, I purchased a T25 Challenge pack from beachbody that arrived on saturday.

    5. I have Lupus (currently in remission) & I have cysts in my left knee but I try not to let it stop me from doing any physical activity.

    6. monotony...getting bored with what I'm doing. Also my brain, she's my worst enemy.

    7. I've never done a full program. just basic workouts, interval training, zumba, kickboxing, walking/C25K.
  • Hi There - I will be starting T25 tonight!

    will also start T25 next monday

    1. Your name, age, and where you live (as much as you are comfortable providing)
    Chelsea, 25, Hoboken

    2. What are your current goals?
    Long Term: lose 60 pounds. Short Term: Complete the T25 program with great results (not just weight loss, but also health)

    3. Describe your current eating habits?
    I try to stick to a paleo diet. Although I'm not perfect with it, I am pretty strict about not eating grains or processed foods.

    4. Are you doing Shakeology along with the T25 workouts?
    Yes - I have been drinking shakeology for breakfast. I may start drinking it for dinner depending on when I do the workout.

    5. Do you have any physical limitations?
    No physical limitations

    6. What is your biggest struggle?
    Sticking with a program. Letting my social life or work get in the way of my own health goals.

    7. Other workout programs you have done in the past.
    I tried C25k but I haven't been able to enjoy running. I do zumba twice a week (it is a very high cardio version of zumba). I also sometimes do kettlebell workouts. I'm excited about T25 because it will give me a better routine.
  • Richmocha
    Richmocha Posts: 3 Member
    1. Your name, age, and where you live (as much as you are comfortable providing)
    Lee, 32, FL

    2. What are your current goals?
    To consistently eat Healthy with portion control and weight loss. I am a size 8 so I would like to get back to a size 2........ I think that would translate into a 25-30 lb weight loss. My short term goal for T 25 is 15 lbs.

    3. Describe your current eating habits?
    I am good one week and bad the next. I try to eat clean but I fail sometimes. I would say I eat well 50% of the time. I would like to change to an 80% clean eating ratio.

    4. Are you doing Shakeology along with the T25 workouts?
    I purchased the challenge pack so I have been drinking it 30-45mins before I work out. I have noticed a change in my regularity

    5. Do you have any physical limitations?

    6. What is your biggest struggle?
    Mental Toughness to push myself to attack each workout

    7. Other workout programs you have done in the past.
    JM 30 day shred
  • 1. Your name, age, and where you live (as much as you are comfortable providing)
    Luciana , 34, Munich, germany

    2. What are your current goals?
    Eating clean and get Fit …. I way to change my lifestyle.

    3. Describe your current eating habits?
    I eat health but my body is in starvation mode. My nutritionist warn me and I struggles having to eat every 3 hours as I have a very busy working schedule. As I have Lactose and Frutose intolerance + Histamin intolerance… it is very difficult to find the right amount of nutrients and vitamins . I have a zinc and magnesium deficit very com mum for Frutose intolerant people.

    4. Are you doing Shakeology along with the T25 workouts?
    I got one bag and tried …. I hope I will be able to drink and don't get any reaction

    5. Do you have any physical limitations?
    Yes, I Injure my Knee and need to be careful

    6. What is your biggest struggle?
    Put my self to move …. I love dance but I don't love workout.

    7. Other workout programs you have done in the past.
    I tryed P90x and I loved….. just too long and made me give up.

    I will start later than you but I would love to stay on the group and get some support to get it nailed :)
  • 1. Ryan Tomlinson - 27 - Around the Atlanta Area

    2. Weight wise, I would like to loose 40 pounds. Overall, just would like to feel and look healthier. Most all my weight is in my gut. I lost 50 pounds 5 years ago and just slowly added 40 of it back on.

    3. I am netting 1550 calories a day. Trying to make sure I eat breakfast. Try to eat 3 meals a day and two small snacks.

    4. I am not, I may start. I have a bag of visalous shake from a friend I may start first.

    5. Not really. I do have a hard time the the rhythm of some of the moves. But getting better each time. I also have to modify some, but decreasing the amount.

    6. Temptation Foods. But so far so good. I know a lot of people do cheat days. I fear if I allow a cheat day I will end up quitting. So no cheat days right now for me. Maybe in the future once I am more disciplined.

    7. I did 11 days of insanity about year ago. but ended up quitting. Last time I lost 50 pounds. I just walked and ran at the park.

    I started 10/30 and haven't missed a day yet. So glad to find a group to keep accountable with.
  • thebomb4
    thebomb4 Posts: 59 Member
    Hi everyone, I started the T25 on the 4th November so currently on my second week of Alpha phase. I'm looking to find some extra motivation from you guys knowing you are also taking part in the T25 program. Here is a little about me:

    1. Your name, age, and where you live (as much as you are comfortable providing) – Stacey, 29 currently living in Rotterdam the Netherlands but from Leeds UK.

    2. What are your current goals? To lose weight, tone and get my fitness level back up

    3. Describe your current eating habits? Clean approximately 80% of the time

    4. Are you doing Shakeology along with the T25 workouts? No

    5. Do you have any physical limitations? No

    6. What is your biggest struggle? Saying no to booze and junk food especially on weekends but I have been surprisingly good
    since I started the T25 on the 04/11/13.

    7. Other workout programs you have done in the past. iFit live on the treadmill at home, Les Mills classes at the gym (body attack, zumba, RPM/Spinning, body combat, body pump, X-co core training) Jillian Michael 30 day shred. Combined HIIT with the treadmill and nody strength.

    Good luck guys!