Rest Days and Motivation

Well, 5 days of Insanity down! I have been sore all week! I ended up taking two rest days this weekend. I feel so guilty now! It is hard to fit exercise into the weekends sometimes. But I am back at it today! I'll be doing Cardio Circuit after work. I am trying to push through the women's "time of the month" excuses and just power through. Sometimes I need a little extra motivation. I just keep reminding myself how great I feel after I have done one of the workouts! I also have a picture handy on my phone of a recent photo of myself at a wedding that was NOT flattering, and that helps motivate me when I am tempted to take a nap or watch TV instead. Any other motivational thoughts or tips!? Keep it up everyone, and remember to DIG DEEPER!


  • Healthy_Hunnie
    Healthy_Hunnie Posts: 60 Member
    This isnt exactly motivating, but it will help you realize that taking two days off wont defeat the purpose of the program. I have never worked out on the weekends during the program. I am usually out of town and dont have the space or time to do an insanity work out. I am still extremely happy with my results though.

    If you can find time during the weekend to sneak a work out in, I would highly suggest it. But I have skipped the first work out of the week, every week (fit test and other work out between fit tests). So dont beat yourself up. You can still see results and be happy. I skip the fit test because I feel it is the shortest and least strenuous out of the work outs. Again, I am not encouraging you to skip. But, I wanted you to know that missing one work out a week wont kill your progress or results. Remeber, you are still doing 5 more work outs than you were originally doing without the program, So keep pushing! :)
  • pomiliak
    That is a great point! I am glad to hear that I am not the only one who struggles to fit in workout time on the weekends! I am happy that your results and experiences haven't been altered too drastically when doing 5 workouts instead. I tend to get discouraged when I don't stick to a program and let that discouragement take control. But I am now 7 days in, and gonna keep pushing through! Thank you for your advice. You are in month 2 now, right? How are your results this month!?
  • Healthy_Hunnie
    Healthy_Hunnie Posts: 60 Member
    So far I havent seen too much. But if my results are anything like my first month's I prob wont until the last week and then they are extremely noticeable. I also have some making up to do from this past weekend. I was bad and ate out alot with my family for two special occaisions. Luckily today I am back down to my low weight, but seeing as it took 3 days of work outs and cutting out cals, I probably set myself back a little bit.

    If you dont see results right away in the first month dont worry. I didnt really feel/see noticeable results until the weekend after my recovery week. I think that break for the body let your muscles and fat figure out what to do. Aka grow/lean out and get the heck off my body (fat) haha.

    But a lot of my friends noticed my progress after the recovery week as well, so i would highly suggest you stick with it the whole week. Its actually kind of challenging without being cardio intense. I was surprised. In a good way. This program is seriously changing my life.