Day 14: stay motivated!

Day 14 of October. Sorry for my lack of posting. Was just diagnosed last week with stage 1 cervical cancer. (Not my 1st time) I sincerely hope you all are doing well and working hard towards your goals.

2 weeks left in the month, what do you hope to accomplish?


  • fitbye45
    Valerie no worries about posting the main thing is to take care of yourself first and being here is a good place to be. stay positive and do what you know works in order to get better.

    I have been off the wagon lol. however attempted to hope back on yesterday no matter what I am not giving up.
  • BMcC9
    BMcC9 Posts: 4,440 Member
    I agree with fitbye45 - the main thing is for you to do what takes care of you.

    If being here and cheering us helps keep your spirits up - and you are getting what YOU need, not just giving out - then please, draw on our energy. :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou:

    On Facebook there is a Fan Group that all use my personal fave Wii Fitness game. They just started a spin-off Challenge Group this week and I have signed myself up.

    I am also working on melding being on the elliptical with the scrolling scenery of this game, and it seems to be working. I have also started eating instant (unsweetened) regular oatmeal for breakfast every day instead of a Caffeteria Muffin (which as we all know are even worse for you than having a TimHorton muffin every morning - and that would be plenty bad enough :grumble: )

    SO my regular calorie intake/output is much improved over the habits of the past few months - but I can't quite call myself all the way Back on Track yet.