Feeling dehydrated!

In the week that I have been on keto, I have definitely felt some of the "flu" symptoms. I was prepared for that, but I was really shocked by how dehydrated I feel. I drink a lot of water all day, usually 4 of my 24 ounce jugs. I am still feeling dehydrated! And(this may be TMI), my urine is super concentrated. I am use to it being nearly clear.

Does anyone struggle with this or know what could be going on?


  • It sounds like you are, in fact, dehydrated. Have more water. I know it sounds like a lot, but a lot of people on LC/keto drink a gallon or more, especially in the first little while. In addition to all of the water, have some broth. When you go lc/keto, your body dumps sodium, potassium, and magnesium. You need to make sure to replace and supplement these things. I take a magnesium supplement and add salt and "fake salt" to just about everything I eat. The salt substitute (no sodium salt) is pretty much straight potassium.
  • Niccidawn092
    Niccidawn092 Posts: 64 Member
    I figured. I guess I hadn't read about this being a problem for people so I thought it was really strange. The magnesium/potassium I was ready for!
  • Here's something I do....

    I'm a homemaker and am pretty busy most of the time. In the morning, I fill a gallon jug up and drink from it all day, adding ice to my glass as needed. I keep it nearby so that water isn't far off. I know it sounds lazy, and it probably is, but I have hydration issues stemming from a medical problem I used to have. I challenge myself to drink as much of that gallon as possible every day.
  • I find myself drinking 20 ounces almost every hour I'm awake. When I don't I feel sluggish and dehydrated. I bought one of those 20oz brita squeeze bottles at target for like 8 dollars, and I carry it in my purse. You can fill it anywhere because it has a filter right in it.

    I'm also very heavy though, and can sweat just from a brisk walk. Still, it's more than I've ever had to drink. During the 'flu' I drank even more. I'd go through two bottles an hour (and two bathroom breaks an hour too! Though my bladder has since adjusted and I'm not running off every hour. Which I'm very thankful for...).

    Just make sure you replenish the electrolytes. With that much water, you're flushing constantly. During the first two weeks I kept bouillon cubes in my purse. And would have a powerade zero when I stopped by a convenience store.
  • Niccidawn092
    Niccidawn092 Posts: 64 Member
    Thank you, ladies. I was just worried I was doing something wrong as this is something I've never struggled with before keto.
  • jayjay12345654321
    jayjay12345654321 Posts: 653 Member
    also, if your in keto, your urine will be darker. the deeper you are into ketosis, the darker it will be. toxins are stored in body fat and when your body relies primarily on dissolving body fat for energy, those toxins your body safely packed away are released and flushed out. that's why drinking so much water is so important when in ketosis. if you're getting plenty of water, see it as a good thing to know all of that bad stuff is being released and flushed out.
  • Jen16226
    Jen16226 Posts: 20 Member
    I just started this week, however, I am a runner who used to get some pretty bad cramps in my calfs due to dehydration.

    Go to a sporting goods store and look for Nuun tablets. They are a "disk" that you put into your water and it helps your electrolyte level.
    Another good suggestion is a cup of broth a day.
  • Golightly17
    Golightly17 Posts: 347 Member
    I drink tons of water on keto, granted I live in a high altitude and am active, but it's a necessity regardless. In addition to water, I'd recommend a zero cal Gatorade or Powerade to help keep electrolytes and sodium in balance. Like the others said, broth is great too. I use Pacific beef broth and add some evoo, pepper and Swiss cheese, tastes kind of like French onion soup. Easy way to get in sodium, a meal and fat to help with the dreaded flu.
  • SusanRN2b
    SusanRN2b Posts: 106 Member
    Sea salt on everything! The salt helps you retain water. Remember water follows salt (from college physiology).
  • EddieHaskell97
    EddieHaskell97 Posts: 2,227 Member
    It does indeed sound like that's not enough. Try increasing salt a bit, and water intake by a factor of 1.5 of what you're already taking. In your case, six instead of four. Feel better soon! :)