Hi from a newbie

Hi there,
Just started dukan after 'lots' of research! Looking for dukan friends for help and support! Lost a pound on my first day :-).

Oh does anyone know if its ok to eat roasted chicken thighs without the skin? One place i read said anything except the wings - others say no thighs!

Thanks guys :-)


  • stephanj
    stephanj Posts: 898 Member
    Howdy! I just started today. Wanna be my buddy?:smile:
  • stephanj
    stephanj Posts: 898 Member
    On day #2 of attack. Lost two lbs yesterday, but I have been really retaining water this week because of TOM and thanksgiving, so no surprise. I hope to be down another few lbs by the end of attack.
  • stephanj
    stephanj Posts: 898 Member
    Ugh. This is one of those days that is going to be harder. It's funny, the first few days of Attack I felt fantastic - no headaches, no cravings, full of energy...basically no "keto flu". NOW it's hitting me! 1 day to go until PV day. Hello asparagus, cabbage, kale and lettuce!