Let me introduce myself...

I am a SAHM of 3 (well 2.5 really, one is 18 and going to college...LOL). I have a 5 year old and an 11 month old who is just about EBF b/c he's not too interested in solids yet, he eats off of my plate but not really enough to sustain his nutritional needs. I think many mom's call it Baby Led Solids...he just eats what we eat when he's able to handle it, he wouldn't touch purees either...He likes just about anything though! I grow big babies (as you can see by my profile picture) and I have a 10cm muscle seperation that will require surgery in 2014 sometime. I cannot do many exercises due to the pain and weakness associated with the damaged muscles. The surgeon has to move muscles and use other muscles and whatnot, we are in the beginning stages of consultation so I do not know the full details yet. I DO know that after I recover....I'LL BE ABLE TO LIFT MY 5 YEAR OLD AND CARRY MY BABY UP AND DOWN THE STAIRS WITHOUT CRINGING FROM PAIN AND FEAR THAT I MAY DROP HIM! I have a fitbit flex that I wear, I go on an hour or hour and a half long walk at least 3x a week and usually burn almost 1000 cal (I think it's about each walk (I wear my 11 month old on my back, it's easier on my stomach muscles that pushing a stroller).