2 Days Post Op-Gained

Had my surgery 10am on Monday 14th, came home yesterday afternoon. Very sore!! Had the Bypass, 7 ports, I'm guessing because he fixed the Hiatal hernia. He took me off my water pill (due to losing Potassium) and my cholesterol medication. I was more concerned about the water pill. My heart rate dropped Monday night, nurse called Dr and they started pushing more fluids through my IV and the next day before I left. Came home, weighed after getting home, gained 14 pounds since Monday morning!! Fortunately I did get up through the night and lost about 4-5 pounds. Pain from soreness and gas. Thankfully started to relieve that too. I did not realize they pumped so much air in you, was hurting my back and neck, much better today

All this to inform and see if others gained when coming home from the hospital? Also I have a lot of chewable vitamins, but still some regular ones too. Thankfully only 1 felt stuck so far. Anyone else have that problem?


  • grim_traveller
    grim_traveller Posts: 627 Member
    When I got home from the hospital, after not eating and barely drinking for three days, I had gained 11 pounds. Boy, was I irritated. It's just your body reacting to the trauma of surgery and the IV. It took about a week for me to get back to where I started. Ignore it, please.

    The other thing you will notice is commonly referred to as "The Three Week Stall." At some point around three or four weeks after surgery, give or take, your weight will stall. It happens to almost everyone, but is very annoying nevertheless. Please don't worry about that either. It is totally normal, and will pass as well.

    Just stick to your doctor's plan, and everything will work out fine.
  • grim_traveller
    grim_traveller Posts: 627 Member
    Oh, and some folks start taking regular, non-chewable vitamins while still in the hospital. Different doctors have different rules. But if you can swallow them OK, you are probably good to go. I have always stuck with chewables, but only because I look at them as a daily treat, rather than simply medicine. I don't mind spending a little extra for chewable vitamins and calcium, since I am saving a frakking fortune on food.
  • annwyatt69
    annwyatt69 Posts: 727 Member
    I didn't gain after the surgery--I went home the morning after. I associate this with the fact that every time I have any surgical procedure they make me remove my insulin pump and the doctors and nurses decide that to drop a 500-600 blood sugar I should only be given 5 units of insulin. Now, this would probably work great for me now at 138 lbs and 25 units a day, but post surgery I was still at 155+ per day. So, between the i.v. and the super high blood sugars I was up peeing every 5 minutes. Before they let me get up on my own, I actually peed all over myself as soon as the nurse got there. I mean, it only takes them like 20 minutes to come when you call, you know. (LOL)
    As far as vitamins, I honestly couldn't imagine swallowing a pill soon after surgery. I could only sip and could barely take my very small medications. I still do chewable vitamins and have no plans to change in the near future.
    Oh, by the way, I am 1 year and two weeks post gastric bypass.
    The pain subsides w/in a couple of weeks for most people.
    For me it's all been smooth sailing, really.
    Hope things go as well for you too!
  • JoelleAnn78
    JoelleAnn78 Posts: 1,492 Member
    The first three days were brutal for me. When I came home from the hospital the gas pain was so intense I was questioning my sanity for even having gone through with it. I slept two nights on the couch and then woke up on day three after surgery and it was like Angels singing.

    Walk, walk, walk, walk.... That is the only thing that made the gas move through my body and dissolve. It was in my shoulder, so I totally remember the pain you have in you neck :sad:

    The combintation of the air, the fluid and the trauma to your body will make you gain. Don't sweat it -- for real. You will lose and lose and you will not even know how life can be so grand in a few weeks! You willk never regret your decision.

    Four years out I still hold my RNY as one of my greatest life changing decisions -- second only to having my son (who was only possible due to the RNY!)

    Feel free to add me if you'd like other Bypass support friends!
  • janisbirch
    janisbirch Posts: 51 Member
    Glad to hear you're surgery went along well, and that you're now home. Don't worry about the weight; I agree with the others that it's all due to the trauma of surgery. This too will pass, and you'll see the pounds falling off. My advise, is to follow your doctor's orders. Please continue to keep us posting on your progress, and thanks for the update. All the best, Janis
  • DebbysJourney
    DebbysJourney Posts: 82 Member
    Thank you so much for all your comments! Today I can see much improvement. I thought I was getting plenty of exercise by doing general walking around the house. Didn't allow my family to wait on me other than lifting things, but yesterday went on a couple of real walks and walked in the house from front to back and what a difference it made. My legs/hips got sore, but made a difference with my stomach. I can stand straighter and much relief with expelling the air....lol

    I'm still just drinking liquids and taking vitamins, yet to feel hunger. Dr said that was normal, as long as I stay hydrated and then when I feel like "eating" to start the protein shakes. My weight is still higher than pre-surgery, but your comments lift my concern there and know it's just a matter of time before I start getting lower than pre-op. :)
  • mwolfe8704
    Sounds completely normal. I had gained 10 lbs while in the hospital, mostly due to all of the IV fluids they pump us with. I lost 18 lbs the first week, unfortunately that didn't continue! I was sore for about 2 weeks, but still had some soreness for another week after. I had a lot of gas pain too, but like others have said, moving/walking help get it out.

    Good luck, and remember it does get better!!
  • DebbysJourney
    DebbysJourney Posts: 82 Member
    Thanks, it's good to know I'm not the only one who gains. I did email my Dr to ask if I could take my water pill every other day. Wish I had thought of that sooner and ask to just taper off instead of cold turkey. Monday will be a week post-op and I'm still up 6 pounds. Kinda discouraging, but knowing it's common and eventually will go down helps.......a little. ;)
  • janisbirch
    janisbirch Posts: 51 Member
    I'm coming up to my 3 month post-op date. Last week I had gained 2 lbs and I was trying not to get discouraged. Yesterday my scale showed that I had lost 7 lbs!! I'm thrilled. I had heard someone say in my WLS Support Group that they don't weigh themselves all the time; instead they go by the way their clothes fit. I think that's sage advice. After all, if we're exercising and watching our food intake, we're doing exactly what we should be doing and the weight will come off us. If I keep thinking this way, I know I won't get discouraged and frustrated. Anyone else out there thinking these same thoughts? Is it working for you too?
  • grim_traveller
    grim_traveller Posts: 627 Member
    I'm coming up to my 3 month post-op date. Last week I had gained 2 lbs and I was trying not to get discouraged. Yesterday my scale showed that I had lost 7 lbs!! I'm thrilled. I had heard someone say in my WLS Support Group that they don't weigh themselves all the time; instead they go by the way their clothes fit. I think that's sage advice. After all, if we're exercising and watching our food intake, we're doing exactly what we should be doing and the weight will come off us. If I keep thinking this way, I know I won't get discouraged and frustrated. Anyone else out there thinking these same thoughts? Is it working for you too?


    If you can weigh yourself often without freaking out, great. But if you emotionally live and die with every weigh-in, just don't do it.
  • stroynaya
    stroynaya Posts: 326 Member
    I had problems with getting rid of the gas even with tons of walking. My doctor recommended the dissolvable strips gas-x sells, which helped enormously. As far as pills, I opted to pay a bit more for liquid versions of the vitamins, so I didn't have to worry about them. And I dissolved the other few pills in water before taking. As long as they aren't time release, you should be able to grind them up or dissolve them before taking them.