Body fat scale?

QuakerMom Posts: 56 Member
Anyone have a scale that you can recommend?
Ours died months ago, and i haven't worried about it -- I weigh myself at the gym now. But, since i've always weighed myself 1st thing in morning before eating, this means I end up doing my workout w/out eating breakfast on days when i weigh (once a week or less) -- not really a good habit.
So -- i think it's time for a new scale.
Anyone use a 'body fat analyzer' type scale? if so -- which brand? I'm not looking for a cadillac model, but wondering if something that tracks more than just raw lbs might be good.



  • TriLifter
    TriLifter Posts: 1,283 Member
    I have one and it's stupid. Totally inconsistent. I can weigh in every day and go from 18.7% to 20% ro 19.3% to 20.1% each day based on how much I'm weighing in at the moment. If you want a (more) aaccurate method, try calipers.

    ETA: I think mine is a Braun.
  • msb803
    msb803 Posts: 31 Member
    I love my Aria(Fitbit) scale, but it's on the pricey side. I think I paid around 100 bucks for mine. I love the fact though that it syncs with my Fitbit account(which syncs with MFP), so I can see detailed reports of weight changes, BF% changes, etcetera. I also weigh in 3 times a week at the weight loss center I go to, and my scale is on par with the weights I get at the other place too.
  • strychnine7
    strychnine7 Posts: 210 Member
    I have one of these ones:

    That one fluctuates day-to-day, as PrimalRunner also says hers does. Having said that, i think using it everyday (under the same conditions) and averaging out it's readings over the course of weeks can be helpful to see trends. I have no idea if the absolute numerical values are accurate for mine, but I do notice changes that seem to coincide with my mirror. Meaning when I think I look leaner, the monitor tends to show a decrease in BF%, and vice-versa.
  • Dragonwolf
    Dragonwolf Posts: 5,600 Member
    I just picked up one from Kroger. It's like Kroger's electronics brand or something like that. I found out real quick, though, that I can't read my body fat, because the skin on my feet is too tough from going barefoot/in minimalist shoes all the time. So I just use it for a scale, which it's great at, and stick with tape measure and the Covert Bailey calculation. It's been consistent as long as I'm consistent in how I measure, is accurate enough to track trends, and doesn't rely as much on hydration levels.
  • MikeFlyMike
    MikeFlyMike Posts: 639 Member
    I too have the aria and love it because of the wifi connection. That being said, the body fat % thing is not even remotely accurate. I do hydrostatic tests 3x a year and it is routinely 5-8% over what the dunk tests tell me.
  • redheadmommy
    redheadmommy Posts: 908 Member
    I have a tanita brand and I think it is really good. It does fluctuate a little bit like, +/- 0.5% but that is normal. Since our weight fluctuates based on hydratation level and how our inside is full or not at the given moment.
    I went to a dexa scan a year and half ago , which is the most accurate method of measuring body fat % and my scale was right on.
  • QuakerMom
    QuakerMom Posts: 56 Member
    Thanks for the suggestions and info.
    It looks like maybe a Tanita would be in my price range... there are a lot of brands out there on Amazon, that's for sure.
  • geekpryncess
    geekpryncess Posts: 118 Member
    I have the Fitbit Aria wifi scale too, and really like that it connects to my MFP account, plus fitbit sends me an email report each week with a summary of my overall loss (or gain). I find that very helpful because as you know us women fluctuate greatly from day to day so sometimes it is tough to know if you are losing or not! I have the flex as well and I am just sold on the whole interconnectivity thing.