Hello I am new to the low carb dieting- I need advice

Hello I am new to the low carb dieiting. I don't fully understand it, I am just trying to restrict he amount of carbs that I am consuming. I have tried low calorie, low fat diets in the past, and before I had my thyroid killed due to Graves disease, those worked for me; however, they now do not. I don't know what changed but something did. I am regulated on my levothyroxine (artificial thyroid hormone replacement). I don't have a whole lot of weight to lose, roughly 25lbs, but I have lost 5 since starting the low carb. Should my fat/protein intake be a concern? If so what should those be? I would have thought that my protein should be high and the fat low, but have read a lot of stuff that states otherwise. I have a desk job, but after work I am moderately active (zumba, yoga, treadmill, hiking, etc...) I try to fit 45 minutes to an hour in 5 days a week of some sort of exercise. My questions are:
1.) what ratio of fat/protein is best for weight loss and building muscle
2.)Can anyone give me receipe suggestions for vegetables that are lowest in carbs and taste good? My husband will not eat brussel sprouts, cauliflower, peas and is not a fan of asparagus but will eat if forced :) He is more of a potato kind of guy (which I know is a no-no).
Suggestions are definitely appreciated.
Thank you,


  • wheels_33
    Everyone is different. For me, I try to hit a ratio of 60% Fat/ 35% Protein/ 5% Carbs. Some days are easier than others. I supplement the diet with 4 days of weights and light cardio as well as 2 days of just cardio. I've lost fat while also having some noticeable changes in body composition.

    As far as veggies, my go to is creamed spinach. Go for home made as there is a ton of salt in the frozen kind. I make it with heavy cream and cream cheese. You get a good amount of fat with not a lot of carbs. Also, spinach is a great source of potassium, which can help with muscle fatigue and cramping (especially since bananas are not allowed). I didn't like brussel sprouts either...until I had them cooked with bacon.
  • kiramaniac
    kiramaniac Posts: 800 Member
    The basic premise of Keto is low carb, high fat, moderate protein. You want sufficient protein to maintain muscle mass. Excess protein will convert to glucose and can trigger insulin, and can therefore impact ketosis.

    this keto calculator can help with macros:

    65-30-5 (fat-protein-carbs) is a typical start. Many find better results with even higher fat. For me, I target 70-75% fat; 20-25% protein; 5% carbs.

    Reddit has a great keto section, and their FAQ is an excellent starting point:

    Green leafy veggies are great. and always try to add fat. Broccoli with cheese, creamed spinach, green beans and slivered almonds slathered in butter; Brussels sprouts cooked in bacon fat with pancetta. Yum!

    I think starting down this path is the toughest part. Most of us came from other forms of dieting, and were brainwashed on all the low fat BS. Breaking those habits is challenging. But once you "get it" that fat is good for us, it's pretty awesome to figure out how to increase your fat. Butter, bacon, sour cream, cream cheese, regular cheese, heavy cream, full fat dressing, avocado, guacamole, chicken with skin, bacon, ribeye, 70% ground beef... All of these add so much flavor!

    Chek out Caveman Keto's website for recipe ideas. He has a great meal planner as well.

    Good luck! And eat more fat!
  • ljholmann
    Thank you for the advice. If you guys have any recipes for low carb side dishes, please share. :happy: