How much weight in addition to the 45lb bar

Ladies? New to this and loving it. I'm curious, when you post how much weight you're lifting are you counting the weight of the Olympic bar? smile I'm trying to gauge if I"m lifting engough weight. I feel what I'm doing, but sometime I think I could try more although I don't want to risk having bad form!

For deadlifts right now, stage 1, workout 6, I'm lifting the 45lb barbell + 2 12.5lb (10+ mini 2.5 plate) plates smile So would I say I'm lifting 70 pounds?

I'd love some thoughts and guidance on how much to lift or increase!

Thanks champs!:smile:


  • wibutterflymagic
    wibutterflymagic Posts: 788 Member
    Of course you count the bar.
  • Thanks so much Wibutterfly :-D I just wondered when people were posting 90lb for squats if they were included the base bar :-D Thanks!