Friday Weigh Ins

MetalPisces Posts: 261 Member
Hey everyone! New Friday Weigh Ins instead of Wednesday, still the same format! I think I will make a topic just for challenges as well :-)

Name: Julie
Age: 30
Starting weight: 245 lbs (heaviest 267)
Last weeks weight: 231.6
This weeks weight: 231.6
Total loss: 13.4 lbs
Goal Weight 165 lbs
What can I do to improve: I need to get back into exercise and get to checking in on the group like I was before. That's what works, and that's what I need to do. There's been a lot of crap food the past two weeks as well, so I gotta get back on track with that as well.


  • Name: Kate
    Age 33
    Starting weight 280 (high of 310)
    Last week's weight: 263.6 (on 10/9)
    This week's weight: 258.8 - 4.8 lbs???
    Total weight loss: 21.2 since 8/28 (51.2 total)

    What can I do to improve: Gym, gym, gym and water.
    What has helped: I have been cooking a lot of soup lately! They tend to be really filling, and I pack them with veggies, but the calorie count tends to be really low. So having a slice of bread with it, or a couple extra snacks during the day, doesn't hurt.
  • MetalPisces
    MetalPisces Posts: 261 Member

    Name: Julie
    Age: 30
    Starting weight: 245 lbs (heaviest 267)
    Last weeks weight: 231.6
    This weeks weight: 231
    Total loss: 14 lbs
    Goal Weight 165 lbs
    What can I do to improve: did better with getting on the stationary bike and crunches, but not as many days as the challenge was. I also feel like to need to shuffle my calories around, my breakfast and lunch with snacks is around 500-600 total, then dinner is amped up. I want to even it out more. I need to get more sleep too, when I do that more weight comes off.
  • MetalPisces
    MetalPisces Posts: 261 Member

    Name: Julie
    Age: 30
    Starting weight: 245 lbs (heaviest 267)
    Last weeks weight: 231
    This weeks weight: 229
    Total loss: 16 lbs
    Goal Weight 165 lbs
    What can I do to improve: Woo! Yay! 2 lbs, as with last months I didn't think I'd see this b/c it was that time of the month but my body finally let go of the water weight from bloating and there I am! 2 lbs down. Getting on the stationary bike and walking really made such a difference. Walk with my daughter in her carriage adds for extra weight to push up hills and have to hold on steep declines, so I need to keep moving to see the results.
  • 11/1. Sorry I missed last week, I was sick as a dog, and I'd taken a bad fall to boot.

    Name: Kate
    Age 33
    Starting weight 280 (high of 310)
    Last week's weight: 256.8
    This week's weight: 254
    Total weight loss: 26 lb since 8/28 (56 total)

    What can I do to improve: Today was my first day back in the gym in 2 weeks because I took a fall that really messed up my knee and hip, on top of the aforementioned cold. So, I'm happy to see progress even with the lack of real exercise. Halloween candy is evil! I need to up my water intake, too. Today was especially tough. I just felt like snacking all day, and the calories add up pretty quick.
  • bunbu
    bunbu Posts: 131
    Name: Sade
    Age: 25
    Starting weight: 165 lbs (on here starting weight 148)
    Last weeks weight: 145
    This weeks weight: 144
    Total loss: 4 pounds
    Goal Weight 140 pound for now
  • MetalPisces
    MetalPisces Posts: 261 Member

    Name: Julie
    Age: 30
    Starting weight: 245 lbs (heaviest 267)
    Last weeks weight: 229
    This weeks weight: 227 (wooo!! 2 lbs!)
    Total loss: 18 lbs
    Goal Weight 165 lbs (62 more to go!!!)
    What can I do to improve: stick to my work outs, eat better, damn you halloween candy and tasty bad food!
  • Cedura
    Cedura Posts: 184 Member

    Name: Heather
    Age 24
    Starting weight 230
    Last Weeks weight: 218.6
    This weeks weight: 217.8 (I usually weigh on tuesdays, so I decided to switch to friday after all. .8 isnt much, but a loss is a loss so I will take it :)
    Total loss: 12.2
    Goal weight 165
    What I can do to improve: Remember to pack a lunch for work everyday so I dont over eat on cafeteria food.
  • MetalPisces
    MetalPisces Posts: 261 Member
    Awesome loss Heather!!

    Name: Julie
    Age: 30
    Starting weight: 245 lbs (heaviest 267)
    Last weeks weight: 227
    This weeks weight: 227 (maintained)
    Total loss: 18 lbs
    Goal Weight 165 lbs (62 more to go!!!)
    What can I do to improve: damn that Halloween candy! I did not eat well this week. I gotta get back on track. This week I will be on vacation so I will be moving a lot more with my daughter and I'm gonna bang out a long of yard work and decorating outside for Christmas (don't worry, I'm not going to turn everything on). It's just going to be so warm I gotta do it now when I won't freeze my fingers off. I also need to get on the stationary bike more. I thought I was going to have a gain, one night on that and I was back at 227. So, yah, moving makes it happen.
  • bunbu
    bunbu Posts: 131
    Name: Sade
    Age: 25
    Starting weight: 165 lbs (on here starting weight 148)
    Last weeks weight: 144
    This weeks weight: 142.4
    Total loss: almost 6 pounds
    Goal Weight 140 pound for now

    forgot to do last weeks and cant remember the number i was before so this is over a 2 week span. :P
  • MetalPisces
    MetalPisces Posts: 261 Member
    Name: Julie
    Age: 30
    Starting weight: 245 lbs (heaviest 267)
    Last weeks weight: 227
    This weeks weight: 226 (yay, got over 3 plateau, I have one every month)
    Total loss: 19 lbs
    Goal Weight 165 lbs (62 more to go!!!)
    What can I do to improve: Well this week has been less than stellar eating wise because of being on vacation, eating more than usual, and not being able to exercise as much because of family being up. But, I did have a loss and that's great! It probably could have been 2 lbs if I had been a little more diligent. But today I'm back on track b/c it's the last day they are here! Also, my arthritis has been acting up. I've been trying to stay ahead of the pain with ibuprofen, but it's just barely touching it. I also have a shiatsu massager that I've been sitting in to try to help. But despite the pain, I did notice that it's just in my lower back, where before it was going from mid back to lower, a sure sign I've lost weight around my middle! I def need to update my measurements today too.

    Actually that gives me an idea! Look in the message boards for a new subject!
  • Cedura
    Cedura Posts: 184 Member

    Name: Heather
    Age 24
    Starting weight 230
    Last Weeks weight: 217.6
    This weeks weight: 216.8
    Total loss: 13.2 lbs
    Goal weight 165
    What I can do to improve: I ate dinner rather late last night and a couple other nights this week due to my work schedule and my boyfriends schedule. I really think I should be trying to get dinner in before 10pm (2am is just too late for a full meal cause it sits in the belly and doesnt burn off right, in my opinion). I also ate out fast food a few times (large fries at 1am is also not wise). I need to cut back on soda again and go for that water more often. Maybe cram a few more veggies and a bit less starch in too.

    *EDIT* I just realized we weigh in the day AFTER Thanksgiving next week. >.< I will have to cut back on deviled eggs... usually I eat 10 of them, but I cant do that this year! I do not want my scale to reflect 5 lbs of feasting the next morning hahaha!
  • bunbu
    bunbu Posts: 131
    Name: Sade
    Age: 25
    Starting weight: 165 lbs (on here starting weight 148)
    Last weeks weight: 142.4
    This weeks weight: 142.4
    Total loss: 6 pounds
    Goal Weight 140 pound for now

    Went heavier on protein to gain muscle. Plus last week i did 300 miles biking in 3 days so was more cardio then weight training for my muscles. :P I look at i still lost even though it doesnt show on the scale. :)
  • bunbu
    bunbu Posts: 131

    Name: Heather
    Age 24
    Starting weight 230
    Last Weeks weight: 217.6
    This weeks weight: 216.8
    Total loss: 13.2 lbs
    Goal weight 165
    What I can do to improve: I ate dinner rather late last night and a couple other nights this week due to my work schedule and my boyfriends schedule. I really think I should be trying to get dinner in before 10pm (2am is just too late for a full meal cause it sits in the belly and doesnt burn off right, in my opinion). I also ate out fast food a few times (large fries at 1am is also not wise). I need to cut back on soda again and go for that water more often. Maybe cram a few more veggies and a bit less starch in too.

    *EDIT* I just realized we weigh in the day AFTER Thanksgiving next week. >.< I will have to cut back on deviled eggs... usually I eat 10 of them, but I cant do that this year! I do not want my scale to reflect 5 lbs of feasting the next morning hahaha!

    Lol! thats kind of good that we do. Will let us see if we were bad or not. Then we can correct it but im still going to eat what i want but just workout with alot more cardio so ill be fine :)
  • twistedbutterfly
    twistedbutterfly Posts: 61 Member

    Name: Butterfly
    Age: 38
    Starting weight: 347
    Last week's weight: 276.4
    This week's weight: 270.8
    Weight loss so far: 76.2 lbs
    What can I do to improve?: I could add just a bit more exercise (other than just a short afternoon walk). All too many days I find myself too tired to get up early or exercise in the evenings. In fact, I think I'm going to play Zumba Wii instead of just thinking about it. :)
  • MetalPisces
    MetalPisces Posts: 261 Member
    Hi Butterfly! Welcome to the group!!
  • EileenB42
    EileenB42 Posts: 125 Member
    Name: Eileen
    Date: 11-29-13
    Starting weight: 283(290 at my highest)
    Last week's weight: 269.4
    This week's weight: 268.4 (was 265 before thanksgiving)
    Weight loss so far: 15 pounds
    What can I do to improve? Make better choices when I go out to eat and on the holidays
  • bunbu
    bunbu Posts: 131
    Name: sade
    Age: 25
    Starting weight:148 (before mfp 165)
    Last weeks weight: 142.4
    This weeks weight: 142.2
    Total loss: 6 pounds still
    Goal Weight 140 so close
    What can I do to improve: not have thanksgiving and thankfully its over but now the dreaded xmas but thats weeks away. plenty of time to get to goal
  • MetalPisces
    MetalPisces Posts: 261 Member
    Name: Julie
    Age: 30
    Starting weight: 245 lbs (heaviest 267)
    Last weeks weight: 226
    This weeks weight: 226 (stayed the same despite Thanksgiving and having my period, wow!)
    Total loss: 19 lbs
    Goal Weight 165 lbs (62 more to go!!!)
    What can I do to improve: well I've really been slacking on the challenged, I really have to stop that. I know calorie counting is part of the solution, but over time my body starts to adjust to the lower cals and I hit plateaus. That's where exercise has always triumphed, so I have to stop being lazy! Welp, tomorrow I will be busting my BUTT putting up Christmas decorations inside and outside of the house so I know I'll be starting off this new week on the right foot!
  • Cedura
    Cedura Posts: 184 Member
    Name: Heather
    Age: 24
    Starting weight: 230
    Last weeks weight: 215.8
    This weeks weight: 215.2
    Total loss: 14.8
    Goal Weight 165 lbs
    What can I do to improve: I need to make sure I do the challenge every day. No more slacking there. And I think I need to actually up my calorie intake because I have been having big deficits and I do not like the idea of "starvation mode". I also need to try for less sodium and more water. I actually gained 1.7 lb of water weight the week of thanksgiving (which is why I did not log weight last friday). It was all the ham I had been eating. Oops :(
  • bunbu
    bunbu Posts: 131
    Name: sade
    Age: 25
    Starting weight:148 (before mfp 165)
    Last weeks weight: 142.2
    This weeks weight: 142.2
    Total loss: 6 pounds still
    Goal Weight 140 so close
    What can I do to improve: Going to go on a diet now and see if it helps. Will be starting tomorrow and keep going till hubby gets here(whenever that is) so hopefully i can get under 140 finally. Im stuck again. Happened when I was trying to get under 150 too. Plus need to change my workouts. Need to stop biking so much but cant till I make 2,000 miles this month and I know I cant do it walking or running. As soon as I get that I will change my working out completely. Plus I will only workout for like 2 hours while hubby is here so I have time to spend with him but Ill be doing HITT workouts so I can burn max calories.