Welcome everyone

MaryMBacon Posts: 94 Member
Welcome everyone ~ I'm so glad you're here. I'm a health coach with special intereset in Eating psychology and lifestyle weight management. I took a special interest in researching all that's out there on weight due to my being completely fed up with the marketing of unrealistic, frankly unsafe and expensive weight loss programs. I wanted to lose weight the "real people" way ~ eating real food, exercising, in a way I find fun, and by taking a balanced approach to life. I believe that when we love ourselves and treat ourselves well and value our heath as a priority, we can lose weight without the gimmicks, quick fixes, guilty feelings and without spending a small fortune on dangerous products that promise to help us.
I'm here on this Journey with you. I've lost about 10% of my starting weight before joining MFP just by following the principles I believe in, working, playing, sleeping, and eating real foods. I look forward to taking this journey along side all of you as we celebrate everyone's success together. I have a blog at www.coachmarybacon.com and I'm always looking to hear what you want to know more about. I'll be posting tips and inspiration here on a regular basis as well.