Mind games, why does this happen

timwhoa Posts: 325 Member
Whats with the mental games our minds play on us?, how can it be that a person comes so far in thier weight loss journey,, only to have our minds double cross us, why would I want to put back on all that I have worked for to this point?, why does that box of cereal or why does that lasagna have so much power?, so you see, I know you have all felt this, why is there any part of my brain that wants to chow down on the crap that made me sick and fat in the first place? perplexing if you ask me, the past 2 weeks have been this emotional battle of wills, perplexing, its driving me crazy, this has happened 2 other times in my life when I got down close to 300 pounds, only to gain it all back in those previous times, now I am at that crossroad again, and its happening all over again, ugh,


  • MaxiJohn55
    MaxiJohn55 Posts: 8 Member
    I know what you mean Tim! I guess we have to retrain our minds to remember what got us in this shape in the first place. For me, pictures work wonders!