
GeorgiaDiva Posts: 16 Member
Thank you all for joining the Lymphedema Support Group. I believe this is going to be a great way for those that want to have better health and fight this disease! I look forward to this journey with you all and wish the best for all of you!



  • LindaJo58
    LindaJo58 Posts: 3 Member
    Thanks for starting a blog for those of us with this unique challenge to losing weight. After many years and many different diets, I found that the tools are available if we just put them to use. I've just purchased a FITBIT and am looking forward to the added motivation to walk more and exercise more. Exercise HAS helped with my lymphedema, too.
  • GeorgiaDiva
    GeorgiaDiva Posts: 16 Member
    Your welcome and I really hope this all becomes a big help for all of us... It's so wonderful we can reach out to each other with support . Let's us know how the Fitbit works! Best wishes to you! :)