Thoughts on eating intuitively 4 cut rather then tracking..

sassiebritches Posts: 1,861 Member
I am day 6 on my cut and only have truely hit cut amount 2 days of those, other days I am eating at TDEE. One thing I notice is that I log in all my meals for the day for cut and then at 10pm, I get a hankerin for a bowl of popcorn or ice cream or a candy bar and blam back to TDEE. I notice that in order to get myself to those cut cals I have to force in 2 snacks in the day, in order to full fill the cals. What if I just ate intuitively instead and tracked to be sure I am over my BMR and not above TDEE??????


  • rowanwood
    rowanwood Posts: 510 Member
    I'm not really sure what the difference is...I think of eating intuitively as not tracking. I've been doing that and tracking occasionally to see if I'm where I want to be, and so far so good, though I think that's better for maintain than cut. When you are eating at a deficit you are bound to be hungry sometimes, so following hungry signals might not BE intuitive.

    Did I just make sense?
  • norcal_yogi
    norcal_yogi Posts: 675 Member
    i pretty much alway eat intuitively.... when i logged every single morsal i ate on here, i gained. i listen to my body, exercise it (and that includes yoga), and eat as clean as possible. i would never suggest forcing yourself to eat something to hit a certain calorie number/goal. not what i believe...
  • jordymils
    jordymils Posts: 230 Member
    It really depends on how well you listen to your body as well as what your body is actually telling you. You might hit the right calorie target by eating when you're hungry and eating until you're satisfied, but there's no way to know if you're getting the right amount of each macro.
    I've had days where I just can't be bothered logging everything so I have a 'day off' but then I log at the end of the day just to see how I went and end up under in calories and way under in protein.

    Maybe take 2-3 days of eating intuitively but write down everything you eat. Then log it all after a couple days and see how you go in terms of calorie and macro intake. If you're more or less on point then I don't see a problem, but I'd be willing to bet that you'll be over or under in most areas...
  • sassiebritches
    sassiebritches Posts: 1,861 Member
    I have been logging and like today on a ovulating day....and allergies hitting I am over my TDEE by 200 cals. but the last 2 days I was on target for cut. I have my macros pretty set, and do pretty well. I personally cannot do to much protein....hurts my kidneys... :)

    It really depends on how well you listen to your body as well as what your body is actually telling you. You might hit the right calorie target by eating when you're hungry and eating until you're satisfied, but there's no way to know if you're getting the right amount of each macro.
    I've had days where I just can't be bothered logging everything so I have a 'day off' but then I log at the end of the day just to see how I went and end up under in calories and way under in protein.

    Maybe take 2-3 days of eating intuitively but write down everything you eat. Then log it all after a couple days and see how you go in terms of calorie and macro intake. If you're more or less on point then I don't see a problem, but I'd be willing to bet that you'll be over or under in most areas...
  • tigerblue
    tigerblue Posts: 1,525 Member
    My problem is knowing the difference between being hungry or just wanting more. I end up either overeating or depriving myself and undereating (constantly just saying no to eating just becauseI might be over my limit.)

    I pretty much feel like I could eat more all the time. But that doesnt mean I am actually hungry.
  • jordymils
    jordymils Posts: 230 Member
    My problem is knowing the difference between being hungry or just wanting more. I end up either overeating or depriving myself and undereating (constantly just saying no to eating just becauseI might be over my limit.)

    I pretty much feel like I could eat more all the time. But that doesnt mean I am actually hungry.

    I'm exactly the same. I could literally eat all day long and still want more (I just love food haha) but am not necessarily always hungry. That said, I do get hungry very often. But even then I know that if I didn't log I wouldn't hit my calories or macros properly. Some days I think I'll be more or less there and am surprised to be way over or under. And macros way off - for some reason I REALLY struggle getting carbs in!!

    My hope is that by the time I finish the first month or two of my cut (am now 6 weeks into reset) I'll have a better idea of what I should be eating day to day, so I can slowly aim to log less and less. Some days logging is just exhausting :|
  • Noor13
    Noor13 Posts: 964 Member
    For me it was not possible to eat intuitively after my reset.
    But my problem was the opposite-I would under -eat.
    But try to leave the forced snacks out and see what happens.
    Maybe with the before bed snack you can even it out and still stay on cut