Hi everyone!

I have been on MFP before...and am here again. I would like to lose 20 pounds to begin with, and between 10-15 after that. I will turn 62 this coming December. Have had issues with my weight since birth!!!! I cried a lot when a baby, and the doctor told my mother to give me Karo syrup with my milk.....LOL, and I still enjoy sugar...was a healthy little girl...if you know what I mean.

My goals to start:

Log all food and snacks daily. (try to eat healthier, but not obsess about it, just get inot habit of writting down everything I eat)
Walk (at least) 15 minutes continuously daily, more if possible (have foot problems)
NOT eat in the evenings!

Week one, here I come.:wink:
October 21,2013


  • greattimes
    greattimes Posts: 123 Member
    Just remember you have to start somewhere. If you set your goals within reason you can do it . Will be here to help you along .
  • debilang
    debilang Posts: 874 Member
    WELCOME **Trinkylynn**,

    We are the same generation. I remember karo syrup that Mom used with us..."thanks for the memories". 20 lbs is very doable. I sooo respect our members who have lost a lot more. The main thing is that we are willing to do our best to live healthily and be fit.

    Your goals are AWESOME! Logging for me allows me to review my eating patterns, and be accountable. Of course movement is crucial, and I've learned that it helps not to eat late, and try to digest while sleeping...we don't burn a lot while sleeping :)

    Glad you posted, and hope to see you often.

    Best Always
    Deb :heart:
  • texasgardnr
    texasgardnr Posts: 2,660 Member
    Welcome trinkylynn, I like how you have divided your overall goal into two parts to start with. That makes it more do-able to our selves and mini goals are more easily met one by one. Awesome plan.

    And having a moderate walking plan to start you off in the right direction is another plus.

    Great beginning (again)!
    Wishing you much success for week one :heart: .

    Mary (in Texas, but not necessarily in my garden today) :flowerforyou:
  • trinkylynn
    trinkylynn Posts: 7 Member
    Thanks all for the encouragement. It means a lot to know that I am being accountable....especially to myself!! First day, logged everything, amazing how I start out the day well and end up the day overeating. BUT, I did log everything I ate. Also, did get in 15 straight minutes of walking. It is a start.
  • texasgardnr
    texasgardnr Posts: 2,660 Member
    Thanks all for the encouragement. It means a lot to know that I am being accountable....especially to myself!! First day, logged everything, amazing how I start out the day well and end up the day overeating. BUT, I did log everything I ate. Also, did get in 15 straight minutes of walking. It is a start.

    A great first day!! Well done trinkylynn :flowerforyou: