Starting again, and need cheerleaders

Stacivogue Posts: 325 Member
Hey guys.
So, i've started again. I have my sister's wedding in a month, and i'm am already past thinking that I'll look ok in the pictures. After all, it's not MY wedding. So i needed to stop feeling like it wasn't worth even starting. Really, I was just reluctant to give up food again and the social things that being able to drink wine allows.

Yes, i've gained back everything that i lost, plus some, and it took a lot of courage to even hope that i can lose anything again. But it's been 2 weeks, and i'm getting used to it again. I also feel better and have more energy, so i'm going to start walking again.

Anyway, i hope my fitbit gets here soon, and i'll start tracking steps again.


  • Autazell
    Autazell Posts: 54 Member
    It was worth it, and you can do it. Even a small loss over the next month will be something you can be proud of and brings you one step closer to the day when you DO think you look good in pictures. Read the success boards when you feel like giving up, and remember that if you stick to the plan it WILL work. Good Luck! We'll be cheering you on!
  • MCLA4mom
    MCLA4mom Posts: 219 Member
    You can do this! You know it works and you have done it before! You will always have social situations that don't support your health goals. When you overcome that struggle I imagine feeling pretty powerful!
  • Starrry_Eyed
    Hey, I'm starting again as well and also have a wedding coming up! I'll definitely add you so we can cheer each other on :).
  • ryansmommie68
    ryansmommie68 Posts: 27 Member
    Hi! I'm starting again.
    I can't beleive i gained back most of the weight I lost in 2 weeks! I'm not sure if this diet is for me? I don't feel like eating bars and shakes is a way of life for me but its working and its convenient! (i don't like any of the other foods)I need to lose what i gained and the rest of my weight and pray that i can maintain my loss. I haven't been exercising but i'm going to start.
    Its tough starting over...but here I go!:)
  • bdelaney001
    You can do this. Make it work for you as this is your life. Why not incorporate a few of the suggested snack ideas from Dr. A's book? Here is a link to the pages

    You mentioned you only like the bars and shakes so without variety I can see how it would be difficult. So why not try making your own eggs o oatmeal. Just be sure they are the correct portions. I love this program because it helped me with portion control and with making the right choices that make me feel better. I am excited that I am two pounds from goal and even more excited that I replaced my unhealthy emotional eating habit with a healthier approach to food. I see it as nourishment for my body not my emotions.

    Best of luck to you.
  • Stacivogue
    Stacivogue Posts: 325 Member
    Thanks guys!
    YAY! it's fnally started working again. i ate the bars exclusively for a year. i am much happier now that i have the soups and the mac and cheese (good with some dried jalapeno). Everything is better with a dash of tony chacheres.

    i also eat snacks of 20 pistachios (sometimes i go over though)...

    i like making eggs and salsa.

    And don't underestimate jello. it's pretty satisfying.

    The only thing I really miss is wine. i went out to dinner at a friends house and they had wine. i wanted some sooo badly. but i was determined to go below the 180 mark and i had been bouncing around for a week. it worked! i lost 3 lbs since then. maybe that sacrifice was akin to throwing a virgin into a volcano so the harvest would be good. only...the battle is for my waistline.
  • JetWan
    JetWan Posts: 204 Member
    That's fantastic! Look for plan-friendly recipes to keep things interesting. Its makes so much easier to stick with it if you don't allow things to get boring. Keep up the good work!
  • bdelaney001
    With holiday parties coming up and wine most likely being sered here is a tip: grab that wine glass and ask for ice water and pull out a crystal light packet, add to glass and have a little treat without the calories.
  • Chiyak
    Chiyak Posts: 13 Member
    Love the crystal light in the wine glass idea. I drink seltzer water. There are some great flavors and they are unsweetened. I can only drink 1 or 2 diet sodas before I get sick of the sweetness.
  • Stacivogue
    Stacivogue Posts: 325 Member
    Thanks guys! And I have another wedding in April. So....we will see. I bought a New Years dress one size smaller, same designer. That is my motivation!
  • Stacivogue
    Stacivogue Posts: 325 Member
    Everyone thank you so much for your support. It was so hard to take the leap of faith to start again, I was convinced that it was not going to work. You are all awesome! 15 lbs down, 40 to go....
  • pelswick74
    pelswick74 Posts: 30 Member
    I'm starting today and will be on this journey with you. Keep it up! You will do fine. New Year New You!!!