Question About Progression and the Program

mheebner Posts: 285 Member
I am into week 5 of the SL program coming from 3 months of full body workouts. I started with an empty bar on some of the lifts, squats, overhead press but I started with a lot of weight on the bench press since starting with an empty bar was sorta ridiculous since I was already working out with 175 lbs.

My question is I am heading into heavy weight for me on the bench press, but I am still relatively light on squats and deads,. Is this going to be an issue ? Should I hold off on adding more weight until the rest of the lifts/ weight kind of 'catch up' ? Even though I started with heavier weight on some of the lifts I have been progressing with 5 lbs increments on all the lifts except deads. Or should I just keep going knowing that I am going to max on my bench press before I even get to 200 lbs on my squats.

Any insight into this ? This is where I am now weight-wise with the program:

Bench 190
Barbell row 120
Dead 165
Overhead press 115
Squats 130


  • cajuntank
    cajuntank Posts: 924 Member
    Shouldn't be an issue as you can always progress to the next phases (3x5, 1x5, Madcow Intermediate) on specific exercises. So you might be running 3x5 on bench press and still running 5x5 on the others at some point in time. I myself was running Madcow on squats, 3x5 on bench and rows, and 1x5 on OHP and deadlifts not too long ago. I am now on 1x5 for all of my lifts except squats which I'm still running Madcow and am about to move my deadlifts to that program as well in another couple of weeks (unless the deadlift gods grant me super strength between now and then :laugh: )

    I guess if you really want to try and get these closer, you could increase the weight on the bench every week instead of every exercise till you catch up, but again, I don't see any real reason to.
  • mheebner
    mheebner Posts: 285 Member
    Great point !! I guess I didn't even consider moving to another phase of the program for some of the lifts.