Anyone NOT have a good experience with Armour?



  • dalmiechick45
    dalmiechick45 Posts: 164 Member
    When I say feeling worse I mean that every single one of my hypothyroid symptoms came back, some with a vengeance (I was doing "OK" on my cytomel/levothyroxine combination). The fatigue and the constipation were the most noticeable changes, as I've continued to have low body temperature and dry skin since before being diagnosed.

    Now that I'm on the correct dosage, I have minimal symptoms with the exception of continued low body temperature - I have enough energy to run 9+ miles every day, I'm not constipated, I don't have brain fog, and I've lost 25 pounds fairly easily.

    It's hard to explain, but once you get on the correct dosage, it is mind-blowing how much better you feel. For me, my symptoms got progressively worse until I didn't remember what "normal" felt like anymore, or realize how bad I actually felt.

    For what it is worth, I was continually told my symptoms, including my skin peeling off and my hair falling out were "just depression". So I don't assume that you are cognitively imbalanced, it is probably your thyroid.

    thank you for posting this. I teared up here at my desk reading it. It's been 2.5 year post thyroidectomy for me, and I have "forgotten" what normal feels like most days. My endo is trying to work towards getting my levels where "i feel good" and not where she wants them, so i feel better and not just have a great TSH value on a chart, but its taking a LOT of patience after feeling tired, sluggish, fatigued, joiint pain, mental fog, a bout of depression, and then anxiety (never had either before in my LIFE), and gaining weight while dieting for 2.5 years straight.

    thank you thank you for posting this..... it gave me a little hope today.
  • kcvance
    kcvance Posts: 103 Member
    Oh, sweetie - you will get there!

    The biggest thing is having a doctor who is willing to work with you on SYMPTOMS, not just on lab numbers. Keep tinkering with your dose, get your Iron, Vitamin D, and B Vitamins optimized, and you will eventually find what works for you (I still have my thyroid but it has little to no function at this point, so I'm just about in the same boat you are).