Tips & Resources

MaryMBacon Posts: 94 Member
I'm always searching for great tips on how to stay on track. One of the best things I have ever done for myself is to invest in the foodsaver and a few cookbooks on freezer meals. I have a kindle so I put the kindle inside a ziploc bag and this works great for me.
Once every few weeks I buy in bulk from BJ's wholesale club and I cook about 6-8 meals, I eat one, and freeze the rest. This really helps when "life happens" and I'm late getting home from work or when things crop up in the kids schedule or my own and I find myself unable or un-wanting to cook.
I't s great when I'm busy or just not feeling well
Most meals can be quick-thawed in warm water and many have directioins that involve putting them in the oven longer if not thawed. this Saves a TON of calories on pizza or eating out and Money too.


  • Ad141274
    Ad141274 Posts: 13 Member
    Hi new to this entire thing, so if you will bear with me for a few minutes. Can you please tell me if there is any special rules are instructions to belonging with this group. As well I belong to another group and I have daily checkins and weekly weigh ins,. Thank you very much
  • MaryMBacon
    MaryMBacon Posts: 94 Member
    No special rules, This is a group for people who want to lose weight in a healthy way, All I ask is that we don't promote fad diets, and other unsafe products. I try to post inspiring and helpful tips daily. If you have been successful ~ celebrate with all of us and share what worked. IF you had a rough week and feel like sharing so we can support you, please do. Anyone is welcome.