First post-op check up

It was my 2 week check up, but actually 10 days post-op. Amazing how all dr's are different. They want me to concentrate only on eating when hungry even if only 2 times a day, fluids of course, but no concern over the amount of protein. No supplements, just real food. I am thrilled I have more options now. She was surprised I get hungry 3 times a day, but heck maybe I don't because I just had my yogurt this morning and been too busy to think about food. I will eat some deli meat when my waiting period from drinking is up.

But I did go get my nails put back on.. Gotta have those


  • Rindabu
    Rindabu Posts: 33 Member
    Honestly, I would never eat if I had to eat when hungry. I just don't get hungry and eating has become a chore. Most nutritionist will recommend that you get at least 60 grams of protein a day. Protein helps you heal and keeps you from losing muscle mass. Maybe you should look into talking to another doctor or a nutritionist. Also, depending on the type of surgery you had, you can become vitamin deficient and develop permanent neurological disorders if you don't take vitamins. :(