It's the Weekend

luluinca Posts: 2,899 Member
I love Fridays because my week is almost over and we generally don't work too hard on Fridays, if we can get away with it. We own our own business so the only thing keeping us from doing the lazy Friday routine would be our

I'm curious what the rest of you do on the weekends for food and exercise. That's when we break our routine and it's the most difficult time for me to stick to both my diet and fitness plan. I've been going in pretty early on Sundays to the gym to get in a workout and a swim but Saturday is a different story around here.

Tomorrow we're going to the beach for a couple of hours (perfect opportunity for a walk) then out to lunch (salad?). After that we'll hit up our favorite fish market and stock up on seafood for the next couple of weeks and then stop at a few of the local fruit stands to buy some great produce. My husband wants to stop by one of the casinos to play black jack for a couple of hours and then I bet he'll want to eat dinner out also. The day just got more difficult right there. Eating out is always a challenge for me so I don't do it very often. What about you guys? I'll try to have chicken or fish, some vegetables and maybe another small salad..........wish me luck.

Also, I snuck a weigh in this morning and I've lost another couple of pounds, I'm not recording it though unless it carries through until next Wed. I did an hour of circuit training last night that really kicked my butt but my trainer said I probably burned about 500 or 600 calories so.............................woo hoo!

Have a nice weekend everyone!


  • zacksnana
    zacksnana Posts: 3,230 Member
    Oh your plans sound amazing!! Beaches.seafood, casinos?

    Hmmm. New Jersey?
  • luluinca
    luluinca Posts: 2,899 Member
  • JilloftheDead
    JilloftheDead Posts: 296 Member
    Jealous! It's soooo cold here! Tomorrow we have a high of 39 and it's going to be wet.. yuck!
  • luluinca
    luluinca Posts: 2,899 Member
    Haha Jill, I'll try not to rub it in all winter. It will get cold here eventually and last for about a
  • Nix_Way
    Nix_Way Posts: 201 Member
    I'm jealous too! I'm in westren Michigan and DANG is super windy and cold and rainy/sleeting! UGH.

    I find the biggest problem during the weekends is being at home too much. Boredom eating an all that.. I try to still stay on as much of a normal schedule as I can, but most of my slip ups have been on weekends. This weekend I'm ready for the boredom munchies. I have a book started that is really good and I told myself that I can't finish it unless I make it thru Sunday night without going over my calorie goal! I really want to find out what happens, so I CAN'T mess up!!
    Its just mind games that I have to play with myself like that. I don't offer food as an incentive because thats counterproductive to my problem!!

    Hope your weekend is gloriously sunny and warm and happy!!
    Nix :flowerforyou: