Welcome from Minnesota

gsfreeman2 Posts: 14 Member
Greetings MFP'ers! My name is Greg, and I am 46 and live in Minnesota. Almost two years ago I was in the worst shape of my life with 45 rapidly coming up ahead of me. I was completely sedentary and enjoyed eating FAR too much. I knew I had to make a change, and quickly! but how?

I was fortunate in that I was able to hire a personal trainer in Minnesota in early November, 2011. He weighed me, and the reality of being 280 lbs sunk in. He then gave me an eating plan and a food journal. Since my penmanship stinks and I'm usually closer to a computer than I was to my journal, I quickly found MFP, and adapted it to meet my goals.

6 months later, through learning, re-learning, making mistakes, and finding small victories, I had lost 70 lbs! This was the promise my trainer had made to me (if i did my part) and I was ecstatic.

I then switched from one-on-one training to bootcamp (still through the same gym) and classes at Lifetime. My weight stalled out through the summer of 2012... a combination of too much Minnesota summer events causing sloppy eating combined with my body wanting to lose size instead of pounds, but after the first of the year, I really poured it on I cracked 200 for the first time since 1986 ... and on my 46th birthday this May, I weighed in at 179 lbs -- a total loss of 101 pounds -- all through modifications in eating and movement.

I've settled in at a weight that is more like 190, but I am so much happier and healthier at this weight than where I was two years ago. I've been able to give up three medications (blood sugar, gout prevention/uric acid suppression and acid reflux prevention) completely, convert my prescription Vitamin D to OTC D, and halve my beta blocker and blood pressure medication. Careful eating and exercise have become a lifestyle and not something foreigh.

By the way, I'm no superhuman -- I grew up about the most unathletic person ever. So, YOU CAN DO THIS... it just takes the right mindset and never, ever giving up.

I'm always open to sharing what worked for me and what didn't and I'm also happy to make new friends here on MFP, on Fitocracy, and even in real life.

By the way, you can see my weight loss progression here: http://bit.ly/1akl1ZA

Thanks for reading this and I hope to connect with some of you here!

