Week 8!

SuperCrsa Posts: 790 Member
Happy Monday ladies!

I cant help but put an exclamation mark on the weekly topics. It feels like such an accomplishment to move up in the weeks :laugh:

Got up at 5am this morning to get my work out in, no lying in bed with the boyfriend excuses!

Arms feel shattered!
No changes to the weights this week, but really concentrating on doing each repetition deep, slow and proper :)

Feeling great!
I am dropping the leg extensions and leg curls from now on, the machine just really is uncomfortable!
Posted this topic http://www.myfitnesspal.com/topics/show/1124157-substitution-for-leg-extension-curls and got a load of great advise. So researching some different squats (sumo squat is a fave so far!) and will be swopping those two out for different squats!

BTW GHR = Glut-Ham Raise what a monster that one looks like!!

Have a great workout! Are we going to do another round of progress pictures?



  • juliemouse83
    juliemouse83 Posts: 6,663 Member
    Whoohoo, girl is getting it done!

    I would like to do progress pics at the end of the week to see where we are. I don't see much of a difference between now and 3 weeks ago, but then, we do still have a week to go. :bigsmile:

    Upper this afternoon, yay! I can't believe we are in week 8. After this week, we're 2/3 done!
  • SuperCrsa
    SuperCrsa Posts: 790 Member
    Crazy! Time has really gone by so quickly!!

    Exciting stuff!

    Good luck with your work out! I am not sure where the other girls are today :)
  • juliemouse83
    juliemouse83 Posts: 6,663 Member
    Ok…I was wimpy today…two days in a row of running is not conducive to a good lift. New rule. I only run one day per weekend, LOL…So I didn’t increase reps or weight and did the best I could, and feel like jell-o, LOL…

    Bench 3x5 @ 75#

    Row 3x6 @ 75#

    Curls 3x6@ 55#

    OHP 1X7 @ 55#, 2x6 @ 55#

    Skull crushers 1x8 @ 20#, 2x6 @ 20#

    Triceps kickbacks 6x6 @ 15#

    Plus a warmup on the elliptical. That’s all anyone is getting out of me the rest of the day, LOL...
  • SuperCrsa
    SuperCrsa Posts: 790 Member
    hehe well well done! good job!
    Lower A knocked out this morning.

    I decided to scrap out the leg extensions and leg curls, put in a sumo squat instead. Awesome squat!!
    AND AND I did my first squat with the 20kg, I had the barbell loaded up with the 25kgs for calf raises, and BOOM got my sumo squats in with 25kgs! My arm strength has really improved, pity I didnt try the higher weight on the first set of squats, but next week it is on like donkey kong!! :happy:

    Squat 3 x 8 x 20kgs
    Deadlift 3 x 8 x 25kgs
    Sumo Squat 3 x 8 x 25kgs
    Calf Raises 3 x 8 x 25kgs
    Lying leg raise 10 x 3
    Crunches 10 x 3

    I also did a normal deadlift instead of the stiff leg deadlift this morning, purely because I was being an absolute blonde! lol. Oops!

    Have a great day :)
  • kerrygailis
    kerrygailis Posts: 121 Member
    Hi Ladies

    Sorry for not showing up lately, I am still at it. This week is going to be tough as I won't be able to get to the gym cause of all the school meetings I have, being on the Student governing body means when they need to interview for new teachers I have to be there!!

    Yesterday was tough I went for a long walk 80 mins and did a little weights but couldn't find my motivation!! It's really quite hard doing it at home I forgot how much I have to motivate myself. I just feel quite tired at the moment and not sure where all my good energy has gone!!

    Hope you all have a fab day :flowerforyou:
  • pinktoesjb
    pinktoesjb Posts: 302 Member
    Hello, sorry for my absence yesterday, bit of a down day to be honest I was exhausted from the weekend and somewhat demotivated from my so called progress pics where I can't see much difference :-/ I guess I've started out a lot fatter than most people so it's going to take time to see a real change. I can see my little biceps lol and some improvement in the backs of my legs, I just feel like I'm still made completely of guts. Need to up the cardio, which isn't easy in my schedule and I think that as I walk to work and home every day my body is used to it so that doesn't count any more.

    Back to road running, just as winter starts lol way to make it easier on myself.

    Lower A done today, had to drop back down to 15kg for my dls as some douche needed the 20kg bar to put his toes under for his sits ups (really?!?!?!?!) otherwise the same as last week. Tight in the hamstrings again but hoping it's not going to get as bad as it felt at the end of last week. Did a long set on the Chest press too to try and compensate for missing yesterday.
  • juliemouse83
    juliemouse83 Posts: 6,663 Member
    At least we're getting it done, Ladies. Like my better half constantly tells me: Every lift day isn't going to be stellar, and some days are going to suck more than others, but it's all part of the game.

    Lower A for me this afternoon. I wish I were there now, but alas, it's only 8:20 in the morning here, so only 7 more hours until I can get out of here, LOL...
  • SuperCrsa
    SuperCrsa Posts: 790 Member
    Sorry to hear that Jen, have you been measuring yourself? What does that say.
    Good idea on the cardio, I actually just went to fetch a bicycle from my brother, even though cycling has become a somewhat dorky thing to do around here (or maybe thats just my opinion lol :laugh: ) But I am going to start riding it around! Even just to go buy smokes and visit my boyfriend :happy: You have been losing though havent you? Ive seen some good numbers havent I?

    CMON Kerry you got this! :happy: remember the holidays! Whenever I want to half *kitten* something I keep that picture of the bikini I saw in my mind! It seems to be working!

    I am so glad its rest day tomorrow, my body is sore! Ive done it properly this week lol.

    Have a good one, and keep it up.
    Remember we are here to lose weight long term, it didnt appear over night and it wont melt off either. Adjust your mind to think that this is the lifestyle you are following. Weight loss will come. I also so badly want to wake up tomorrow and be thin. :laugh:

  • juliemouse83
    juliemouse83 Posts: 6,663 Member
    Okay, Ladies…Best day ever in the lifting arena. I got up this morning, got on the scale and I was at goal! :bigsmile:

    Then I came home and lifted and furthered the badassery. I hit PR’s on Squats, Deads, Glute Bridges, leg curls & extensions! BOOM!

    Squat - 3x6@105#
    Dead- 3x6@145#
    Leg Curl-3x6@60#
    Leg Ext - 3x6@85#
    Standing calf raise - 3x7@60#

    Then I asked Johnny to take a pic to commemorate today:


    DON’T give up! It can be frustrating, and discouraging, but we didn’t put the weight on overnight, it’s not gonna come off overnight. It took me 290 days to get to this point. Months-long plateaus, weight gains, minor injuries…it’s all part of it. :heart:
  • kerrygailis
    kerrygailis Posts: 121 Member
    Wow thanks for all the motivation.

    Julie you look amazing well done on reaching your goal sooo exciting.

    It's raining today and I've got another round of interviews this afternoon so no gym again, but I plan on doing a Jillian workout and some weights, I'd like to see how different I feel doing Jillian.

    I think I need to go back to basics with the eating, will look back at when I first started losing and take some food ideas but keep high on the protein.

    Have a great day Ladies :happy:
  • pinktoesjb
    pinktoesjb Posts: 302 Member
    Well done Julie that's great news I bet you're thrilled and you look great!

    Charisa- I've lost about a kilo and a half since starting the weights bit, which is much less than I was hoping. I've not done my measurements in a while maybe I should at the weekend. I think I'm just in a bit of a grump at the moment I'll get past it, and I'm starting to think that I can't have off days and out and out cheat days will just kill my efforts for the whole week. I'm not about to give up, not when it has been this much effort and I'm going to go all out now on no more excuses. Like the excuse that it was technically a rest day at six thirty this morning so I didn't go out for a run lol. It's freezing here I just didn't want to do it!

    No more, man up pinktoes!
  • SuperCrsa
    SuperCrsa Posts: 790 Member
    Well you are losing so thats a good thing :) Just keep at it. Is your scale bouncing around between two numbers? I noticed with my TDEE it was doing that, so I reset my calories to the lower weight that I was getting. Seemed to have helped me, dropped the 2.5kgs it was fluctuating on after a week of eating 100cals lower.. Good luck! Hope you see something soon, know how frustrating that is :( And yes, MAN UP! lol. GET IN THERE AND KICK *kitten*!

    Now I feel kinda guilty adding this in after telling you to get it together :wink:

    I havent got my workout in today, dont know if I will, maybe tonight.
    I am fekking exhausted, its month end and I work in accounts so things have been crazy. Combined with a really bad nights sleep I was really not up for it this morning :( Tonight I FINALLY get an evening alone, its been a good 2 weeks since I last had me time! Cant wait.

    If I dont do my workout today it will be done tomorrow!
    Good luck everyone! Make it count!
  • marise29
    oh man!!

    I'm off sick for a while and everyone has lost motivation (nudge nudge) hahahah.. just kidding.

    Charissa, no more excuses. The sooner you start the sooner you'll be finished and have some time for yourself.

    Me on the other hand.. Still sick.. And decided to take it a bit slower.. I will get back into it on Monday.

    Julie, you look amazing :love: great picture!!

    Kerry, I feel your pain.. Hectic work schedules are no ones friend.. and the weather in Cape Town isn't helping one bit. It looked like summer was well on its way.. and then BAM! Rain Rain Rain.. so over it.

    I hope you girls have a wonderful Halloween and enjoy the scary movies tonight :drinker:

  • pinktoesjb
    pinktoesjb Posts: 302 Member

    Charissa I only fluctuate around a kilo at the moment but tend to have downwards trend if I'm very strict. I've been low lately and have a head cold I wonder if I've been too busy recently and I just need some time for my system to catch up! Or maybe it felt like I was too busy because I was getting sick, who knows but either way

    Work is mental for me also I was rung out of bed this morning with some issue and had to come straight in so no gym visit for me this morning either and I can't imagine I'll feel up to it tonight.

    I hate being in this funk, I was genuinely in a place where it was enjoyable to work out and I wasn't struggling with the early starts any more.

    It will all get better!
  • SuperCrsa
    SuperCrsa Posts: 790 Member
    *kitten* I make you mine! :laugh:
    So I not only just got upper b in tonight but lower b too! I have a meeting in Johannesburg tomorrow morning, going to have to start work earlier, theres no ways I will get my work out in tomorrow, so NO EXCUSES now!

    Can I just say that was INTENSE! Phew. I was thinking about combining upper and lower to only do 2 workouts per week, and I can say hell no to that now! :laugh:

    Dips 8 x 3 x 10kgs
    Flies 6 x 3 x 6kgs
    Side Raise 6 x 3 x 6kgs (can see serias strength improvement here!)
    Kickbacks 8 x 3 x 6kgs
    Bicep curl 8 x 3 x 12kgs
    SL deadlift 8 x 3 x 20kgs
    Glute Bridge 8 x 3 x 10kgs
    Lunges 8 x 3 x 20kgs (BOOM This one made me feel like I was running a mile!)
    Seated raises 8 x 3 x 20kgs
    Crunches, back extensions, and I did a 30second plank hold (trying to build myself up on these:happy: )

    Have an awesome workout, and enjoy your weekend!
    See you all on monday. I am probably not going to be moving up on a lot of weights this next time, form first.

    :drinker: :flowerforyou:

    And remember:

  • juliemouse83
    juliemouse83 Posts: 6,663 Member
    Damnnnnn, Charissa! Way to make it your beeotch! I love it!

    I had a really crap day yesterday, and it killed my appetite, and I only ate like 700 food calories. I drank the rest. Bottle of wine, a couple shots. I slept great, but my lift suffered hard today. I had to deload TEN pounds on my OHP and Biceps curls. Pissed me off. Lesson learned? Eat all the foods, and don’t be an emotional drinker. Booze calories suck for energy, LOL…

    Pushups - 3x8
    Dips - 3x8@25#
    Skull Crushers - 3x8 @20
    Lat Raise DB Side - 3x8 @ 20
    Kickbacks - 3x7@15
    OHP - 3x8 @ 45 :cry:
    Curl - 3x8 @ 45 :huh:

    Now I’m going to hit the pavement and get a run in. Hopefully I can get THAT right, LOL...
  • juliemouse83
    juliemouse83 Posts: 6,663 Member

    And remember:


    Oh, so very this!!!! I love it!!!!
  • SuperCrsa
    SuperCrsa Posts: 790 Member
    Hehe! I HAD to share :) Love Jenna Marbles!
    I have also been quite low on calories, and consuming huge amounts of protein shakes. Had one brandy last night, and coke. Dang bf. I want me some wine!!

    But I agree, I am taking it easy tonight, Im so glad I get to sleep in a bit. ;)
  • kerrygailis
    kerrygailis Posts: 121 Member
    Hey Ladies

    Yay for me I got to go to gym last night after not going since Saturday and wow did it feel like forever!!

    I combined legs and arms too but I am no longer able to do squats or lunges, they absolutely kill my knees so I got one of my friends (instructor) to give me some new bum exercises to do. So happier about that.

    Tonight we're going to a friends for a Halloween party & I am going to bake some stuff today, I will try not eat all my calories worth of goodies, but I aint promising anything lol :devil:

    Have a lovely day and great weekend, yay for week 9!! :flowerforyou:
  • juliemouse83
    juliemouse83 Posts: 6,663 Member
    Ok…Uncle! I tried and I give. I got through squats and 2/3 of my deadlift sets, and I had to quit. Dammit, I’m sick. On my vacation. EIGHT weeks and I haven’t missed a single workout and I just couldn’t go anymore. Headache, sore throat and chills. What the hell is that? :sad: