Season 4 - Ep. 4 - "Indifference" - 11/03/13

AnaNotBanana Posts: 963 Member
This thread serves as a place to discuss speculation, and then reaction to the 11/03/13 episode


AMC Sneak Peek:

YouTube Trailer:


  • soaps54
    soaps54 Posts: 564 Member
    Wowza, I'm shocked.
  • hajenkatt
    hajenkatt Posts: 331 Member
    That was crazy!!! So much to talk about!!! What did you all think of it?
  • Booksandbeaches
    Booksandbeaches Posts: 1,791 Member
    Wow! My jaw dropped...but that was because I thought Rick was going to kill her. When he started checking the knives before they got to the homes, I was sure he had them to kill Carol.

    Darryl is going to be pissed and sad to hear Carol is gone.

    Wonder how Rick will tell them. Will he admit she killed the two people or will he pretend she got caught by Walkers? Hmm....

    But I hope that someday the prison group will catch up with Carol, but what chance does a single woman have out there in the zombie apocalypse? Someone like Michonne can handle it, but Carol even though she's bad *kitten* now, is going to have a hard time.

    I knew that Bob was shady. I loved how Darryl showed real leadership in this episode. I would rather see Bob go and Carol stay behind. She had real skills like fixing dislocated shoulders.
  • Booksandbeaches
    Booksandbeaches Posts: 1,791 Member
    My husband's first reaction was "Now Carol is going to join the Governor!"...


    I doubt it, but then again who knows...if she's angry enough at Rick...but I still doubt it.
  • jolt28
    jolt28 Posts: 218 Member
    I couldn't sleep last night because I was worried about Carol... lol - Rick was wrong to make that decision I think. He isn't in charge, he isn't even on the "council". Everyone or a jury should have been allowed to decide.

    I thought she might meet up with the Governor too - I don't know if she's seen him, would she know it was him if he's dropped that Governor name?
  • ELMunque
    ELMunque Posts: 136 Member
    Rick said he wasn't making that decision for the group, he was making it for himself and his family. He didn't want her around his kids, so his choices were, leave her, or risk the council wanting to keep her on and then leaving him to decide to stay or go. You gotta cover your own *kitten*, I understand why he did it.

    On another note, I don't think it was a good decision, yeah, Carol messed up, but she is very useful to the group, especially if Hershel dies or gets sick, her and Bob seem to be the only ones with some medical knowledge. And now Rick will have to face the group when he gets back and making a decision like this that affects the group so drastically can come back and bite him in the *kitten*.

    On the talking dead, they said that if she was banished that Carl should have been too. I disagree with that. Carl is a kid, Carol is a grown *kitten* woman and she had a council to go to and seek opinions about the two that were sick, and yet decided to just do it on her own.

    On a positive note.... now Daryl can hook up with Michonne. :)
  • Mgregory723
    Mgregory723 Posts: 529 Member
    I wasn't shocked that Rick made the call to have Carol go off on her own. How can she be trusted with the others (the kids) now? She killed two people that may or may not have turned. When what she should have done was waited until they turned, if they did, to kill them. She is kind of an internal threat to everyone. And if you noticed, she didn't even put up a fight about it. She just left.
  • FP4HSharon
    FP4HSharon Posts: 664 Member
    Even though they said the spin-off was going to be people completely unrelated to the comics, you have to wonder if Carol will end up w/the group.
  • jenny95662
    jenny95662 Posts: 997 Member
    Do you guys think Daryl will leave to find carol when he finds out? The have such a connection I wonder how he will react. Its hard for me I agree with Rick but also with Carrol. I mean she was looking out for everyone and she made a decision (just like Shane use to he would have to. He made a decision to kill that kid they brought back) They all have killed to make sure the group was safe so I dunno I am torn lol
  • Booksandbeaches
    Booksandbeaches Posts: 1,791 Member
    It was interesting that Carol thought she showed real initiative and leadership by killing those two people. That's a strange place to show initiative. Had they showed definite signs of being on their death beds, I could see her point, but at the point she killed them, they might have come through the illness.

    My heart dropped seeing Carol drive away. I mean where can she go now? She could run into, as the woman on Talking Dead said, a murdering group of rapists.

    Maybe she should have driven back to the prison and pleaded her case to the council. I probably would have. She has friends there and people know her to be generally a caring person. Even Tyrese said that he thought she's caring. Ironic but still.. The fact she didn't put up much of a fight with Rick's decision is interesting. Maybe she wants to be on her own. And then her cold way of describing Sophia's death.."that's someone else's slideshow" was an odd and disengaged way of describing her daughter's horrific end.

    I don't know who annoys me more now. Bob or Tyrese. Tyrese probably. He's acting too erratically. He could be a threat to the group because he's reacting out of emotion.
  • soaps54
    soaps54 Posts: 564 Member
    I'm still somewhat convinced that Carol is covering for one of those little girls - probably the one she was conversing with at the start of the show. lol I have so many different theories and ideas on all of the stuff that's gone down, who knows though.

    ^ I agree, Tyreese and Bob were so irritating yesterday.
  • AnaNotBanana
    AnaNotBanana Posts: 963 Member
    Wow!!! That’s all I can say. I still can’t believe that Rick banished Carol. I think he’s going to have to tell everyone why she’s gone. Everyone is still wondering who killed those people. But what is the point of the council if Rick is going to make decisions on his own? Does anyone else think that maybe Carol is covering for someone? Maybe she walked in on someone, like Lizzie, killing the two sick people and then decided to fall on the sword? I really hope Carol comes back.

    I still don’t get Lizzie. She seems so set on believing that being a zombie is better than being dead. She doesn’t seem sick but like she wants to be in isolation with everyone else who is sick.

    I definitely think that the new variation of the sickness, with the bleeding eyes, has to do with animals. I kept thinking the whole time that there was going to be some zombie dogs or cats or monkeys in the vet college. It can’t be a coincidence that every zombie there had bleeding eyes.

    For the first time since Bob showed up I kind of feel bad for him. I think Daryl isn’t giving him much credit. Daryl and the prison group has had the luxury of having a large group that, even though they have suffered losses, has stayed intact for the large part. Everyone else they have meet has been part of a group that got completely eradicated. Who knows how you would handle being the sole survivor. Plus I think Daryl was extra butt hurt because he had this little pow wow with Bob and basically told him that he was part of their group now and didn’t have to worry about being alone. How did I go from thinking Bob was shady to feeling bad for him? LOL

    Tyrese obviously has a death wish. He is acting stupid and putting everyone on the run at risk!! I'm glad Michonne talked some sense into him but he's going to have to pull his head out of his *kitten* quick before he ends up as zombie chum.
  • AnaNotBanana
    AnaNotBanana Posts: 963 Member
    I wasn't shocked that Rick made the call to have Carol go off on her own. How can she be trusted with the others (the kids) now? She killed two people that may or may not have turned. When what she should have done was waited until they turned, if they did, to kill them. She is kind of an internal threat to everyone. And if you noticed, she didn't even put up a fight about it. She just left.

    Carl did the same thing. He basically killed someone and thought that is was justified. I think Rick's excuse about not wanting her around the kids is flimsy. It was going to be worse between Carol and Tyrese. Maybe part of the reason Rick did it was because he already knows that Tyrese is on shaky ground to begin with. Plus Rick has already gone nutty and kicked Tyrese and his sister out last season so he figures Tyrese needs this more than Carol.
  • AnaNotBanana
    AnaNotBanana Posts: 963 Member
    I'm still somewhat convinced that Carol is covering for one of those little girls - probably the one she was conversing with at the start of the show. lol I have so many different theories and ideas on all of the stuff that's gone down, who knows though.

    ^ I agree, Tyreese and Bob were so irritating yesterday.

    I agree!!! I think maybe she walked in on Lizzie trying to kill those people, felt bad and helped her out. Now she is the one falling on the sword to cover for her.
  • jenny95662
    jenny95662 Posts: 997 Member
    I can't draw a comparison to Shane killing that boy to what Carol did. That boy posed an immediate threat to the group. He couldn't have been trusted to not say anything to his group about the farm's whereabouts. Carol on the other-hand... in the prison they could have been separated from the rest and if they had turned, easily dispatched while behind bars. They did not pose an immediate threat other than the potential risk of spreading the virus. Which, had already been spread; so any advantage to her killing those two was minimal at best, as far as stopping the spread of the infection goes.

    I get what your saying and I agree now what we know it was pointless.but at that point when she killed them no one but these two people were sick (that they knew of we know diff now lol). All these others were sick after this happened. Not that it was not happening but thats how I think she was thinking.
    I'm still somewhat convinced that Carol is covering for one of those little girls - probably the one she was conversing with at the start of the show. lol I have so many different theories and ideas on all of the stuff that's gone down, who knows though.

    ^ I agree, Tyreese and Bob were so irritating yesterday.

    I agree!!! I think maybe she walked in on Lizzie trying to kill those people, felt bad and helped her out. Now she is the one falling on the sword to cover for her.

    You know I never even thought about that! Nice point on thinking Carol might have been covering up. I cant figure Lizzy out.
  • Booksandbeaches
    Booksandbeaches Posts: 1,791 Member
    Did anyone else notice a little sumthin' happening between Darryl and Michonne? :tongue:
    I wasn't shocked that Rick made the call to have Carol go off on her own. How can she be trusted with the others (the kids) now? She killed two people that may or may not have turned. When what she should have done was waited until they turned, if they did, to kill them. She is kind of an internal threat to everyone. And if you noticed, she didn't even put up a fight about it. She just left.

    Carl did the same thing. He basically killed someone and thought that is was justified. I think Rick's excuse about not wanting her around the kids is flimsy. It was going to be worse between Carol and Tyrese. Maybe part of the reason Rick did it was because he already knows that Tyrese is on shaky ground to begin with. Plus Rick has already gone nutty and kicked Tyrese and his sister out last season so he figures Tyrese needs this more than Carol.

    Yes, but the teen that Carl killed was part of a group attacking the prison with weapons. The teen had a weapon. It's unclear if the teen was really laying his weapon down or pretending so that he could pull a fast one on an old one-legged man and a kid. I don't blame Carl for making the call he did in that situation. Carol killed unarmed people who were in quarantine. Even if they turned, they would have been behind bars away from the others. Plus, we only have her word that they were choking on their blood.
  • kellyskitties
    kellyskitties Posts: 475 Member
    Carol... still pondering that - The idea of her covering for the little girl - plausible... Will Daryl fight for her? Go looking for her? hmmmm

    What happened to the horde? Where did the boy go that they found? I don't think he's done yet. They did tell him where the prison is.

    Will rewatch for the bloody tears zombies at the vet school - didn't think of that. WHY don't I notice these things! ugh.

    One thing I don't get - why don't they haul every darned thing they find back to the prison. I wouldn't leave a crumb on a shelf. They leave all sorts of stuff behind - it will be useful at some point.
  • Aello11
    Aello11 Posts: 312 Member

    One thing I don't get - why don't they haul every darned thing they find back to the prison. I wouldn't leave a crumb on a shelf. They leave all sorts of stuff behind - it will be useful at some point.

    I agree why would you not clean the shelves off. Just because you don't need it know doesn't mean you won't.

    The whole Carol thing just ticked me off - she made a decision (a tough, horrible decision but I get why she did it) and Rick decides he can't have her around his kids... does he not get that Carl learned how to handle emotional stress from him. Personally I am waiting for the day that Rick becomes walker lunch. (yeah yeah I know most will disagree with me)
  • FP4HSharon
    FP4HSharon Posts: 664 Member
    If Carol were covering for the girls, do you really think she'd be leaving them unattended? Also, does anyone think Darryl might be a Typhoid Mary, carrier of the virus? Remember when the kid who got sick & died asked to shake his hand, Darryl spit into his hand & then shook it, then the kid got sick.
  • kellyskitties
    kellyskitties Posts: 475 Member
    If Carol were covering for the girls, do you really think she'd be leaving them unattended? Also, does anyone think Darryl might be a Typhoid Mary, carrier of the virus? Remember when the kid who got sick & died asked to shake his hand, Darryl spit into his hand & then shook it, then the kid got sick.

    I think it might be the little girl who's a carrier. She said something about them dying everywhere they go. She said something about they all die. Makes me curious.