Season 4 - Ep. 4 - "Indifference" - 11/03/13



  • RBXChas
    RBXChas Posts: 2,708 Member
    If Carol were covering for the girls, do you really think she'd be leaving them unattended? Also, does anyone think Darryl might be a Typhoid Mary, carrier of the virus? Remember when the kid who got sick & died asked to shake his hand, Darryl spit into his hand & then shook it, then the kid got sick.

    Carol asked Rick to take the girls with her. I think that's why she was crying. I bet Lizzie did it, and Carol covered for her. Daryl will go looking for Carol, it'll come out in the interim that Lizzie did it, and then they'll have to send out a team to find Daryl and possibly Carol. Then Lizzie will die from the sickness anyway.

    I think the dude in the house with the dislocated shoulder is a goner. They made him too doofy to keep around.

    I was also surprised they didn't just clean out the drugs, but I remember way back when they had a whole thing about only taking what you need so that if others came by needing things, they might find what they need. I mean, remember the drug store runs from the farm (when Lori asked Glenn for a pregnancy test)?

    I do wonder if this sickness came from one of the new people or if it had to do with the pigs.

    It would be interesting if Carol inadvertently teamed up with the Governor. They are both kind of psychopaths and have similar views on life/death/survival. They'd probably make a good team. These days I would be happier seeing Daryl with Michonne. It seemed like they have a connection, and I could see her trying to get Daryl not to leave to go find Carol. I could also see Daryl's understanding Rick's decision given that Tyrese would most likely have killed Carol.
  • AnaNotBanana
    AnaNotBanana Posts: 963 Member
    Did anyone else notice a little sumthin' happening between Darryl and Michonne? :tongue:

    Yes I totally noticed that!! He seemed to shut her down pretty quick. Although I watched that scene a couple of times and still couldn't figure out what the heck Daryl was saying. Something about getting the jasper for someone and getting to know people. Did anyone else catch that?
  • AnaNotBanana
    AnaNotBanana Posts: 963 Member

    One thing I don't get - why don't they haul every darned thing they find back to the prison. I wouldn't leave a crumb on a shelf. They leave all sorts of stuff behind - it will be useful at some point.

    I agree why would you not clean the shelves off. Just because you don't need it know doesn't mean you won't.

    I thought the same thing!! If it were me I'd just take absolutely everything I could find. Especially since they have cars. I guess I would understand if you have to carry everything and walk but they've got cars!! I mean even the extra clothes, soap, toothpaste, toilet paper, towels, etc. in the house could be useful at the prison.
  • FP4HSharon
    FP4HSharon Posts: 664 Member
    On taking EVERYTHING that could eventually be useful...I was even thinking the alcohol the medic was taking, not for drinking, but sterilizing, or cooling down people w/fevers (topically), especially in the middle of an outbreak. They should just have daily runs to the nearest place, clean it out, then the next day hit the next place. The girls had trouble killing even walkers, so I don't see them being the killers & Carol covering for them. If she was covering for them, she would have told Rick, because no one would have punished a disturbed kid for doing that. I also think she'd want to be near them, & wouldn't want to leave them alone.
  • AnaNotBanana
    AnaNotBanana Posts: 963 Member
    If she was covering for them, she would have told Rick, because no one would have punished a disturbed kid for doing that.

    That's a good point. Rick is obviously use to dealing with disturbed kids because of Carl. There is just something off with Lizzie. I can't quite put my finger on it.
  • Naomi0504
    Naomi0504 Posts: 964 Member
    I wish Carol would have just driven back to the prison, like pp said. Don't understand why Rick gets to make that decision for her.

    That scene with Bob and Darryl- I thought Darryl was gonna force him off the ledge!
  • kellyskitties
    kellyskitties Posts: 475 Member
    As far as loading up the cars with everything in sight, keep in mind gas it at a premium. Loading down the car(s) with things that aren't necessities would increase the amount of gas consumed... leaving them on fumes when/if they have to run from the prison.

    One question I have, and I may not be remembering correctly, was in regards to the hippie girl's leg. Anybody else think it looked cut off as opposed to being ripped off by the walkers? It was a pretty clean cut if I remember correctly.

    Yeah, I noticed that on the leg too. Didn't think much of it though - good point.
    I understand your point on the gas, but the cost of making repeat trips wouldn't outweight the cost of just bringing a bigger load at a time. It would cost me more money to make 10 trips to the grocery store than to bring home a loaded up car once.
  • FP4HSharon
    FP4HSharon Posts: 664 Member
    As far as loading up the cars with everything in sight, keep in mind gas it at a premium. Loading down the car(s) with things that aren't necessities would increase the amount of gas consumed... leaving them on fumes when/if they have to run from the prison.

    One question I have, and I may not be remembering correctly, was in regards to the hippie girl's leg. Anybody else think it looked cut off as opposed to being ripped off by the walkers? It was a pretty clean cut if I remember correctly.

    Yes, but remember, one of the things they should be scavenging are working vehicles, or siphoning their gas , & stripping them down as well. Of course, they'd have to decide how much time & effort they have to scavenge based on the walker threat at the time & for the area.
  • red_road
    red_road Posts: 761 Member
    Daryl made me laugh when he confronted Bob lmfao he reminded me so much of a Key and Peele skit about how " white guys fight". I admit i was shocked about Carol, although i felt like they had been distancing her from her previous persona for some time now. I am sure that Daryl will be upset but perhaps not as much as one might anticipate since they seem to be hinting at him and Michonne, either way i wont get my hopes up, thats what they want! I felt like Rick was being a hypocrite, but i do not feel that he was a hypocrite because of the Shane situation, i feel that he is a hypocrite to be judging someone on an impulsive decision that had harsh consequences. Carol killed those people for the same reason Carl killed that boy. To protect the group. You can not pick and chose who is held accountable for their crimes and who gets a slap on the wrist. While Bob is not my favourite character i am not certain that he is the biggest threat right now, i actually felt a little bad for him. While the alcoholism made him appear weak and pathetic I dont think he is actually a "bad" person, considering how the apocalypse twisted some people to me alcoholism is on the lower end of the spectrum.

    *They* being the creators/producers of the show
  • red_road
    red_road Posts: 761 Member
    I think some of you also have a good idea with the "carrier" . Also I dont know if this was in the episode or the talking dead or whatever but they did show carol killing that women. She was tending to her and then just put a knife in her back, didnt see the rest though,( the other guy, the rest of the room) perhaps they are just messing with us idk
  • SMarie10
    SMarie10 Posts: 956 Member
    As far as loading up the cars with everything in sight, keep in mind gas it at a premium. Loading down the car(s) with things that aren't necessities would increase the amount of gas consumed... leaving them on fumes when/if they have to run from the prison.

    One question I have, and I may not be remembering correctly, was in regards to the hippie girl's leg. Anybody else think it looked cut off as opposed to being ripped off by the walkers? It was a pretty clean cut if I remember correctly.
    I had a long discussion about this with a friend who watches as well. I would grab everything I could on those runs - and take a van or bigger vehicle to maximize the run. I understand that gas is probably scarce, but there are so many abandoned cars, I would think you could get what you needed by syphoning.

    I'm kind of pissed that Carol was banished by Rick. Granted Tyrese would probably end her once he found out what she did, but she appeared to be the one sane person left. If this was Survivor, not TWD, she would win, hands down.

    I will also have to rewatch the episode to notice the blood streaked eyes at the vet school.
  • strychnine7
    strychnine7 Posts: 210 Member
    The chances of the kid being the one who killed the two sick people with Carol covering for her, are very slim, I believe.

    First, the logistics are unlikely. I doubt she'd be able to drag those bodies out in a timely and covert manner, and then burn them unnoticed.

    Second, and more likely, as everyone is saying: She has a strange affinity for people being zombies when they die. Why would she do something like this, that would prevent their returning as zombies? She has no motive. Carol's motive was made clear.

    I don't think Carol should have been exiled by Rick, though. She took an extreme, and ultimately shortsighted and ill-thought out, course of action in killing those two, but I don't think she's a threat to the group as a whole. The only legitimate reason to turn her out is to avoid fallout and repercussions with Tyreese. I think it's likely that Tyreese would take physical action against Carol, maybe deadly, maybe not.
  • AnaNotBanana
    AnaNotBanana Posts: 963 Member
    I think some of you also have a good idea with the "carrier" . Also I dont know if this was in the episode or the talking dead or whatever but they did show carol killing that women. She was tending to her and then just put a knife in her back, didnt see the rest though,( the other guy, the rest of the room) perhaps they are just messing with us idk

    I think the reason they showed that was Rick imagining or having a sort of flash back showing Carol doing it. It just seems like a far leap for her character to do something like that. She was never that kind of person. I did read in an interview that the show producer says that something big, aka major characters dying, happens in the 4th episode of every season. Maybe they just wanted to get rid of a main character without killing them. If you think about it all of the characters that have died so far this season are minor characters introduced at the end of last season or the beginning of this season.
  • AnaNotBanana
    AnaNotBanana Posts: 963 Member
    The chances of the kid being the one who killed the two sick people with Carol covering for her, are very slim, I believe.

    First, the logistics are unlikely. I doubt she'd be able to drag those bodies out in a timely and covert manner, and then burn them unnoticed.

    Second, and more likely, as everyone is saying: She has a strange affinity for people being zombies when they die. Why would she do something like this, that would prevent their returning as zombies? She has no motive. Carol's motive was made clear.

    That's a good point. I hadn't thought of that before. I mean she was more upset that her zombie pet had died than her dad in one of the previous episodes. There is just something off about her.