Just starting

lizziegs Posts: 71 Member
So I am about to start this program and am super excited. What I am wondering is how do you track progress and refer to the program while at the gym? Do you just need to carry the book around and constantly refer to it? I will probably buy the kindle version and don't think it will be easy to do with it. There is no app is there ?

Thanks in advance!


  • lawlorka
    lawlorka Posts: 484 Member

    I carried the book for the first 2 Stage 1 workouts (So Workout A1 and Workout B1), after that I knew what I was doing.

    I take a mental note of all the weights I lift and when I get home I fill in my Workout Log like it suggests in the book.

    I downloaded mine from Werkit (if you google it or NROLFW Logs it will bring you to it).

    When I get to Stage 2. the book will come with me again for the first 2 sessions.
  • FourIsCompany
    FourIsCompany Posts: 269 Member
    I made my own progress sheet in Excel, using the one in the book as a pattern. Then, I familiarized myself with the exercises in Workout A and didn't need to refer to the book. There are only 5 exercises. On the next lifting day, I familiarized myself with the exercises in Workout B. After that, I knew them by heart.

    I have read that many women carry the book around with them.
