November Goals

kgerm317 Posts: 191 Member
I can't believe Friday starts a new month, already! What are you working towards for November?

November 13th will be my one year anniversary of my new lifestyle. For this first year, my goals have mostly been about the number on the scale... I'm going to focus on setting goals that don't revolve around the scale.

November Goals:
- Run a total of 30 miles:
-3.25 miles every Saturday
-2 miles at lunch on Tuesdays and Thursdays
*This is going to be a tough one to attain being that November is cold! But if I plan to run a 5K on New Year's Eve, I need to prepare.

- Complete the 30 Day Little Black Dress Challenge

- Little to No alcohol. I am going to try for an alcohol-free month. If I do end up going out at all, I will limit myself to 2 drinks, max.

- Keep up with the meal planning and eating cleaner. Stay away from Halloween candy and holiday treats!

-LOG everything. Even on the weekends!
