November Goals



  • kgerm317
    kgerm317 Posts: 191 Member
    I am falling a little short on my October Goals but I am going to press on.

    1) Run 40+ miles (starting to train for a half in April)
    2) Cook a clean meal at home at least 6 days a week
    3) Lose 3 pounds (from my Nov 1st weigh in)
    4) Log everything "honestly"... NO UNDOCUMENTED SNACKING

    Plan on weighing in Nov 1st, 8th, 15th, 22nd 30th (giving myself an extra recovery day after turkey day)

    November 1st- 160.0.
    November 8th- 160.0

    Mile count 7.3/40

    Last week was a tough week for me. A friend passed away, my mom-in-law was in the hospital, it was the 1 year anniversary of my father-in-law's passing, a sick toddler and a sick teething baby. I am glad that I managed to maintain.

    Holy smokes! Positive thoughts being sent your way! I hope you M-I-L has a quick recovery and your babes are feeling better! Maintaining was a HUGE victory!
  • kgerm317
    kgerm317 Posts: 191 Member
    11/13/13 Check-In!!

    November Goals:
    - Run a total of 30 miles:


    - Complete the 30 Day Little Black Dress Challenge
    On Day 15 today!

    - Little to No alcohol. I am going to try for an alcohol-free month. If I do end up going out at all, I will limit myself to 2 drinks, max.
    So far, not even a sip of alcohol!

    - Keep up with the meal planning and eating cleaner. Stay away from Halloween candy and holiday treats!
    Going strong!!

    -LOG everything. Even on the weekends!
    Everything, everyday, so far!

    - Stay off the scale!! I usually weigh myself daily. This month, I am only going to weigh on the 1st, 13th (my one year anniversary) and the 30th.
    This changed a little because I joined a 9 week Biggest Loser challenge and needed a start weight. I weigh in every Sunday for the challenge.

    11/1: 182.2
    11/13: 180.2

    Down 2 pounds so far this month! I am very excited about this!! And so close to being out of the 180's...
  • chandanista
    chandanista Posts: 986 Member
    I am 160 today. Kinda bummed. I ran during swim lessons both Tues. and Thursday this week, and on Monday I ran a mile/ walked a mile during the daughter's dance class. Wednesday I also went to Zumba for the first time since August.

    So, I am telling myself that suddenly doing all this activity again after some sickness and a resting break has resulted in water retention.
  • Cheeky_and_Geeky
    Cheeky_and_Geeky Posts: 984 Member
    Since I don't have access to a gym anymore & the weather is getting colder here in Oklahoma, my goals are:

    1. 30mins of cardio daily (30min walk, 30min aerobic DVD, 30min Yoga DVD, etc)
    2. 15min strength training 5X week (push ups, sit ups, crunches, lunges)
    3. Continue logging & eating less junk & more veggies.
    4. Lose 2lbs this month (only lost 1lbs in the last 4 weeks :/ )

    Youtube is my best friend right now in terms of cardio! Good luck everyone!

    SW: 139lbs
    GW 11/30: 137lbs (30lbs lost!)
    UGW: 132lbs

    11/15: 136lbs

    I'm starting to lose weight again! I have tendenosis in my achilles heel so I've been doing yoga, low impact cardio, etc a few times a week. I'm still logging daily & staying at a deficit. I def haven't been working out enough. Gotta change that!
  • kcasey155
    kcasey155 Posts: 968 Member
    I am 160 today. Kinda bummed. I ran during swim lessons both Tues. and Thursday this week, and on Monday I ran a mile/ walked a mile during the daughter's dance class. Wednesday I also went to Zumba for the first time since August.

    So, I am telling myself that suddenly doing all this activity again after some sickness and a resting break has resulted in water retention.

    Keep at it. Fitness is about more than losing weight. Maybe swap out those biscuits or potato chips etc for fresh or dried fruit or nuts this week or swap out soda or fruit juice for sparkling or flavoured spring/mineral water?? I'm sure there's something you can change if you think it through!
  • kcasey155
    kcasey155 Posts: 968 Member
    We're halfway through the month already and I'm 13 days post partum, but my goals for November are to maintain my weight while getting breastfeeding established and do as much exercise as I feel up to in the limited time I have.
  • mamarundrc
    mamarundrc Posts: 1,577 Member
    I am falling a little short on my October Goals but I am going to press on.

    1) Run 40+ miles (starting to train for a half in April)
    2) Cook a clean meal at home at least 6 days a week
    3) Lose 3 pounds (from my Nov 1st weigh in)
    4) Log everything "honestly"... NO UNDOCUMENTED SNACKING

    Plan on weighing in Nov 1st, 8th, 15th, 22nd 30th (giving myself an extra recovery day after turkey day)

    November 1st- 160.0.
    November 8th- 160.0
    November 15th- 158.0

    Miles count-9.8/40

    This is a new low for me since the arrival of baby #2 in March! SO far I have only not cooked at home 3 nights (one of which was due to poor planning, 2 were intentional). The first of the holiday dinners start this coming week. We have holiday dinner at my son's school on Thursday night.

    A huge NSV for me yesterday. I completed my first Spartan Sprint. It was one of the toughest things I have ever done. I discovered a few things about myself. 1) Give me something awkward and heavy and tell me to carry it up stairs, down stairs, through bleachers- No problem. 2) My husband loves me enough to stay with me the whole race and lift me to the top of walls and carry me across monkey bars so I won't have to do more burpees. 3) You can not climb a rope with just sheer will and determination.. No matter how many times I tell myself I got this I was not going anywhere. 4). I am stronger mentally than I am physically.

    This has made me realize how much I miss working out and doing strength training. Starting Monday that will change!
  • kgerm317
    kgerm317 Posts: 191 Member
    11/17 Check In

    November Goals:
    - Run a total of 30 miles:


    Added 2 miles on Thursday (although I walked a lot due to this cold I'm finally starting to get over)
    Added 3.63 yesterday
    *I can't update my ticker from my home PC, so I will have to do that tomorrow from work.

    - Complete the 30 Day Little Black Dress Challenge
    Completed Day 19 today!

    - Little to No alcohol. I am going to try for an alcohol-free month. If I do end up going out at all, I will limit myself to 2 drinks, max.
    had a single glass of wine last night with my cousin.

    - Keep up with the meal planning and eating cleaner. Stay away from Halloween candy and holiday treats!
    Doing great!

    -LOG everything. Even on the weekends!
    Everything, everyday, so far!

    - Stay off the scale!! I usually weigh myself daily. This month, I am only going to weigh on the 1st, 13th (my one year anniversary) and the 30th.
    This changed a little because I joined a 9 week Biggest Loser challenge and needed a start weight. I weigh in every Sunday for the challenge.

    11/1: 182.2
    11/13: 180.2
    11/17: 178.4

    SO EXCITED to be seeing numbers in the 170's!!! So close to my original goal weight!! I'm trying to decide if I go for my tattoo when I get to 175 or if I set a goal for my 31st birthday (March 17) and go then...
  • TiffersMK87
    TiffersMK87 Posts: 9 Member
    OOH! I know I'm late for this month but my goals this month are simple. I'm in a baby step phase.
    3 solid workouts a week
    Lose 2 lbs before Thanksgiving- starting today.
    NO Gain over Thanksgiving Holiday.
  • chandanista
    chandanista Posts: 986 Member
    Keep at it. Fitness is about more than losing weight. Maybe swap out those biscuits or potato chips etc for fresh or dried fruit or nuts this week or swap out soda or fruit juice for sparkling or flavoured spring/mineral water?? I'm sure there's something you can change if you think it through!

    OH I wish it was that easy! I haven't eaten potato chips (nor missed them) in quite a few months. Cookies (biscuits for you?) have never tempted me; I’m lucky that way, they aren’t the reason I became fat. (Pie on the other hand…good thing that’s a holiday-only food.) I only drink diet soda, regular is too sweet for me, and I get my 8-10 cups of water in a day first. I hardly ever put condiments/butter on my bread when I have a sandwich, beyond a bit of mustard, either. Nuts are forbidden from my mouth; I detest them. Breakfast every morning is fresh fruit, vegetables are my afternoon work snack. Beyond that I’m a meat and potatoes girl, and like creamer in my coffee (I have cut that out too).

    No, my problem isn't what I eat; it's how much I eat of what I eat. I swap out turkey burger instead of beef, but deep, deep down I think I can eat more because there are fewer calories in the turkey. I buy reduced fat cheese, and because it's lower in calories I'm lazy about measuring. When I have a cold and just don’t care, I eat cup after cup of creamy, delicious soup without measuring. Plus, as I’ve already lost 50-52 pounds this year and everyone tells me I look great, I know I’ve lost the motivation. I have 5 pounds to get to a healthy BMI and I’ve run out of steam. :sad:

    So. Since I determined that loss of motivation is my problem, here’s my (hopefully) solution: Last night I wore runner's shorts and a tank top to Zumba. I watched myself in the mirror and looked at my target areas. It’s helped, motivation wise. I can see my muscles (I've been lifting weights for months, even if I slacked off the last two months I still lifted, just lower weights and higher reps). I can do the moves for the full hour and I’m in incredible shape! BUT, there are wavy sections of flab, easily the 20 more pounds I need to lose to hit my “fighting weight”. I needed to see it, to believe it was actually there. I hope that this motivation continues on through to the end of the year. Cold as it is, I will be wearing shorts and a tank to my mirrored class, I think. Fortunately, the aerobics warm me up quite nicely!

    And, I actually look forward to this Friday’s weigh in; two weeks of consistency will give me a better idea of what I’m dealing with, instead of hoping the first week’s consistency resulted in water retention. (Previous weeks the last 2 months have NOT been consistent, I am lucky to have maintained all that time.)

    ***Keep up the work and posting here, ladies! You are ALL an inspiration to me--working out post partum, setting up new goals, logging food and mileage--Thank you so much for posting here!! I feel less alone in my goals whenever I see a new post in this group.***
  • chandanista
    chandanista Posts: 986 Member
    11/22/13: 158.4

    Zumba on Monday and Wednesday, treadmill running on Tuesday and Thursday. Hoping to take the kids swimming tonight, but there are other plans occurring that may interfere.

    Next week: Zumba on Monday, final swim lesson/treadmill run on Tuesday. Gym is closed Wednesday afternoon so that depends on weather. Thursday morning 5K. Then it's turkey time.

    Good luck all!!
  • Cheeky_and_Geeky
    Cheeky_and_Geeky Posts: 984 Member
    Since I don't have access to a gym anymore & the weather is getting colder here in Oklahoma, my goals are:

    1. 30mins of cardio daily (30min walk, 30min aerobic DVD, 30min Yoga DVD, etc)
    2. 15min strength training 5X week (push ups, sit ups, crunches, lunges)
    3. Continue logging & eating less junk & more veggies.
    4. Lose 2lbs this month (only lost 1lbs in the last 4 weeks :/ )

    Youtube is my best friend right now in terms of cardio! Good luck everyone!

    SW: 139lbs
    GW 11/30: 137lbs (30lbs lost!)
    UGW: 132lbs

    11/15: 136lbs

    I'm starting to lose weight again! I have tendenosis in my achilles heel so I've been doing yoga, low impact cardio, etc a few times a week. I'm still logging daily & staying at a deficit. I def haven't been working out enough. Gotta change that!

    11/22: 133lbs

    I've been doing a lot of HIIT type cardio, & eating about the same. My knee & ankle are handling the workouts thus far!
  • kgerm317
    kgerm317 Posts: 191 Member
    11/1: 182.2
    11/13: 180.2
    11/17: 178.4
    11/24: 178.4 (did not weigh)

    I didn't weigh in and am keeping the same weight from last week. I haven't been able to workout for a few days now. I have a terrible cough and body aches. I haven't slept a full night in almost a week due to the coughing. I get out of breath just walking short distances. Heading to the doctor today and hoping it's not pnemonia!

    Totally bumming because I was finally seeing a loss and out of the 180's for the first time in my adult life. I miss running. I'm falling behind with my Little Black Dress challenge. But I need to recover from whatever this is... Hopefully I'll be back to schedule before the end of the week.
  • Cheeky_and_Geeky
    Cheeky_and_Geeky Posts: 984 Member
    11/1: 182.2
    11/13: 180.2
    11/17: 178.4
    11/24: 178.4 (did not weigh)

    I didn't weigh in and am keeping the same weight from last week. I haven't been able to workout for a few days now. I have a terrible cough and body aches. I haven't slept a full night in almost a week due to the coughing. I get out of breath just walking short distances. Heading to the doctor today and hoping it's not pnemonia!

    Totally bumming because I was finally seeing a loss and out of the 180's for the first time in my adult life. I miss running. I'm falling behind with my Little Black Dress challenge. But I need to recover from whatever this is... Hopefully I'll be back to schedule before the end of the week.

    I hope you feel better soon! I'm sure you'll feel better after thanksgiving!
  • Cheeky_and_Geeky
    Cheeky_and_Geeky Posts: 984 Member
    Since I don't have access to a gym anymore & the weather is getting colder here in Oklahoma, my goals are:

    1. 30mins of cardio daily (30min walk, 30min aerobic DVD, 30min Yoga DVD, etc)
    2. 15min strength training 5X week (push ups, sit ups, crunches, lunges)
    3. Continue logging & eating less junk & more veggies.
    4. Lose 2lbs this month (only lost 1lbs in the last 4 weeks :/ )

    Youtube is my best friend right now in terms of cardio! Good luck everyone!

    SW: 139lbs
    GW 11/30: 137lbs (30lbs lost!)
    UGW: 132lbs

    11/15: 136lbs

    I'm starting to lose weight again! I have tendenosis in my achilles heel so I've been doing yoga, low impact cardio, etc a few times a week. I'm still logging daily & staying at a deficit. I def haven't been working out enough. Gotta change that!

    11/22: 133lbs

    I've been doing a lot of HIIT type cardio, & eating about the same. My knee & ankle are handling the workouts thus far!

    11/27: 132lbs (goal weight)

    Not happy with my body shape, so I'm setting my new goal to 125lbs & work on toning up. It's going to be a new adventure for me now! Everyone enjoy Thanksgiving/ your weekend!
  • Cheeky_and_Geeky
    Cheeky_and_Geeky Posts: 984 Member
    Since I don't have access to a gym anymore & the weather is getting colder here in Oklahoma, my goals are:

    1. 30mins of cardio daily (30min walk, 30min aerobic DVD, 30min Yoga DVD, etc)
    2. 15min strength training 5X week (push ups, sit ups, crunches, lunges)
    3. Continue logging & eating less junk & more veggies.
    4. Lose 2lbs this month (only lost 1lbs in the last 4 weeks :/ )

    Youtube is my best friend right now in terms of cardio! Good luck everyone!

    SW: 139lbs
    GW 11/30: 137lbs (30lbs lost!)
    UGW: 132lbs

    11/15: 136lbs

    I'm starting to lose weight again! I have tendenosis in my achilles heel so I've been doing yoga, low impact cardio, etc a few times a week. I'm still logging daily & staying at a deficit. I def haven't been working out enough. Gotta change that!

    11/22: 133lbs

    I've been doing a lot of HIIT type cardio, & eating about the same. My knee & ankle are handling the workouts thus far!

    11/27: 132lbs (goal weight)

    Not happy with my body shape, so I'm setting my new goal to 125lbs & work on toning up. It's going to be a new adventure for me now! Everyone enjoy Thanksgiving/ your weekend!

    11/30: 131lbs. Actually lost a pound after Thanksgiving! Hope you all had a wonderful Thanksgiving & continue to achieve your goals!

    For December: I plan on incorporating strength training. I've been severely neglecting strength training!
  • jennegan1
    jennegan1 Posts: 677 Member
    Since I don't have access to a gym anymore & the weather is getting colder here in Oklahoma, my goals are:

    1. 30mins of cardio daily (30min walk, 30min aerobic DVD, 30min Yoga DVD, etc)
    2. 15min strength training 5X week (push ups, sit ups, crunches, lunges)
    3. Continue logging & eating less junk & more veggies.
    4. Lose 2lbs this month (only lost 1lbs in the last 4 weeks :/ )

    Youtube is my best friend right now in terms of cardio! Good luck everyone!

    SW: 139lbs
    GW 11/30: 137lbs (30lbs lost!)
    UGW: 132lbs

    11/15: 136lbs

    I'm starting to lose weight again! I have tendenosis in my achilles heel so I've been doing yoga, low impact cardio, etc a few times a week. I'm still logging daily & staying at a deficit. I def haven't been working out enough. Gotta change that!

    Which you tube videos did you do? Ive done the boot camp calorie burn from Enviga, Jillian Michaels 6pack abs in 6 weeks cant get past 16 minutes but I then found a six pack ab one from enviga and I also started doing Leslie Sansone 2 mile walk
  • jennegan1
    jennegan1 Posts: 677 Member
    How did everyone do on their November Goals?
    For the wine I didnt completely give it up but I cut back majorly on it
    Did better on the chips/junk food especially the chips
    Lost 4 lbs
    Stuck with the cardio and started to incorporate strength training and calisthenics
  • Cheeky_and_Geeky
    Cheeky_and_Geeky Posts: 984 Member
    Since I don't have access to a gym anymore & the weather is getting colder here in Oklahoma, my goals are:

    1. 30mins of cardio daily (30min walk, 30min aerobic DVD, 30min Yoga DVD, etc)
    2. 15min strength training 5X week (push ups, sit ups, crunches, lunges)
    3. Continue logging & eating less junk & more veggies.
    4. Lose 2lbs this month (only lost 1lbs in the last 4 weeks :/ )

    Youtube is my best friend right now in terms of cardio! Good luck everyone!

    SW: 139lbs
    GW 11/30: 137lbs (30lbs lost!)
    UGW: 132lbs

    11/15: 136lbs

    I'm starting to lose weight again! I have tendenosis in my achilles heel so I've been doing yoga, low impact cardio, etc a few times a week. I'm still logging daily & staying at a deficit. I def haven't been working out enough. Gotta change that!

    Which you tube videos did you do? Ive done the boot camp calorie burn from Enviga, Jillian Michaels 6pack abs in 6 weeks cant get past 16 minutes but I then found a six pack ab one from enviga and I also started doing Leslie Sansone 2 mile walk
    On Fitness Blender, you can choose what type of exercise you want to do, the length of the workout, the level of difficulty, etc. It's the best free workout sessions I've ever had! I also like Jillian Michaels Yoga Meltdown on Youtube.