Started swimming at home today... i think i'm in love

blaqpepa Posts: 67 Member
Today I logged on again, after a few months of having fallen off the MFP wagon. I've been struggling with exercise for a while due to bad knees (had an op a good 10 years ago), bad back, and terrible post c-section scar pain (1 year post op) when doing anything high impact for some reason.
So i woke up today and decided that I was going to start swimming in my home pool. It's only 863cm in length (about 9.4yards), so its not very long at all. But i figure any exercise is good right? I usually just mess around in the pool, but never do anything worth calling a workout.

I managed to do 150 laps of breast stroke in 1 hour non-stop (which is 1.2km), with a few laps of back stroke thrown in here and there, although my speed varied when i was close to drowning, hahahahaha, and am feeling so great. My body is aching, but I'm super happy. I don't know why I didn't think of this earlier.
I have about 25kgs left to loose, and I'm really hoping that if i can swim an hour a day, for 5 days a week, that I will eventually get there. And hopefully started covering more distance in an hour.

Anyway, just wanted to say how happy I am to have started swimming. All my post op pains are not bothering me like they would after regular high impact workouts. Yet i still feel like i got a really good beating. This is definitely love at first swim.

Have any of you lost a significant amount of weight from swimming?


  • ElBence
    ElBence Posts: 291 Member
    Have any of you lost a significant amount of weight from swimming?

    All of my lost weight has come from swimming and diet. They say that diet is about 80% of weight loss, and I'm inclined to believe it. However, swimming will develop and work muscles that just don't get worked in quite the same way as any land based exercise, and the added cardio that swimming provides will add to any calorie deficit that you may eat.

    A word of caution, though: swimming WILL give you the munchies like you've never had them before. I'm always thinking about what I would like to eat on any given lap. You have to learn to curb those thoughts, and not give in.
  • GGDaddy
    GGDaddy Posts: 289 Member
    Word that! My worst fast-food cravings always happen in the lap lanes. Usually I get over them when I stop. Sometime I don't, and the "how many extra laps to justify stopping at McDonalds" math calculations have kept my mind busy for many a kilometer...
  • zorbaru
    zorbaru Posts: 1,077 Member
    8.5m is a really short pool!!! how wide is it? you might be better off swimming in circles rather than doing turns every 8 metres. i rekon a lot of swimmers here would do 8m underwater after a turn.

    ive only just started swimming myself, the pool i use is indoors and is 25m long. i love it also. i swim at night (8pm ish) and nothing better than a hot shower and watching some tv in bed after a good swim.
  • MissySpring
    MissySpring Posts: 442 Member
    Word that! My worst fast-food cravings always happen in the lap lanes. Usually I get over them when I stop. Sometime I don't, and the "how many extra laps to justify stopping at McDonalds" math calculations have kept my mind busy for many a kilometer...

    LOL! I swear, I jumped out of the pool last week and could smell French fries! I resisted the urge to swing through McD's but it was tough.