what is your biggest challenge?

MaryMBacon Posts: 94 Member
Share your biggest challenge and if you have a solution for someone's challenge please share it here. What difficulties do you face and what did you do to overcome this?


  • Bebubble
    Bebubble Posts: 938 Member
    My thyroid and diabetes! And some medications. Haven't overcome them yet. But giving them a good kicking!
  • LosingExtraKristy
    LosingExtraKristy Posts: 164 Member
    I've been SO lazy. I started working at earlier shift, so I am quite tired when it gets to be the time I used to work out at. And I won't get up any earlier. I know that sounds bad, but I'm not a 5am morning person. I'd like to start using the gym at work, which I could do on my lunch break, but I'm a little nervous about it. At least at home it's just me, but I would get it done. I've been bad since I started this shift back in February.
  • MaryMBacon
    MaryMBacon Posts: 94 Member
    If they have raquetball there the nice thing is you can smack that ball around by yourself and get a great workout ~ in a little room all by yourself. If not it just pays to remember "this is gym, they're looking at their calories burned and not at me" trust me everyone is zoned out to their music and the display on their machine, Not looking at us! And even if they are ~ we are beautiful people just the way we are, on a journey for better health :wink:

    Throw some fabulous music on the ipod and you won't notice anyone else anyway.

    If that really doesn't appeal to you, what's your home like? if You don't have low ceilings jumping rope is great, I love my wii - fit for those days I don't want to leave the house. The obstacle course gives me a fabulous workout
  • shielas
    shielas Posts: 6 Member
    My biggest challenge is me. I have to start believing that I'm important and deserving of being first. I tend to put everyone and everything before me, and by the time I get to me, I'm too tired! I told my dietician yesterday, that for the next six weeks, I'm working on me first. Day 1, and I got my workout when I wanted it.
  • 1flowergirl
    1flowergirl Posts: 57 Member
    Losing this last 42lbs! The scale won't budge! haven't lost a pound in 31/2 months!!I just want to,at this point maintain till the the holidays are done,then tackle this thing,I am going to ask the dr to set me up with a nutritionist, and go from there,also getting off my butt first thing in the morning and working out,once done I feel great,
  • MaryMBacon
    MaryMBacon Posts: 94 Member
    I wish I could "like" posts lol It's been a crazy week. shelia ~ of course you deserve it and congrats for putting you first. Flowergirl have you considered calorie cycling? The easiest way to do it on MFP is to set the goal to maintain one day and loose 2lbs a week the next day. As long as you track everything weigh and measure and don't cheat it can be very helpful in breaking a true plateau. what happens is the "lizard brain" part of the brain thinks you're starving and tries to hold onto everything, even to the point of making you want to over eat. You could eat EVEN less but that can be hard to keep up with and eventually you hit a new plateau. Calorie cycling fakes out the panicky "lizard brain" and makes it stop thinking you're starving.
    I am hosting a free call tuesday for weight loss and surviving the holidays if you want to join in the link is http://coachmarybacon.com/real-people-weight-loss-call.html to sign up. You'll get the recording in email if you sign up and can't make it.
    Hope this helps.
  • trugift
    trugift Posts: 102 Member
    My biggest challenge is Me and me sticking to working out. I will sit and plan a great workout- but :yawn: um :ohwell: so...oh yeah I have to implement it- well this week I said #$%%&^&*&&(&@&#:noway: the plan just go and figure it out when you get there....guess what I have do just that. JUST GOT UP and went. I worked out 5 days this week and that is an all time high (even though Thursday I had to talk-to myself ALL the way there and even talked myself out of the car once I got there) I tell you "self" can be such a life saver- if we only listen.:wink:
  • MaryMBacon
    MaryMBacon Posts: 94 Member
    You just reminded me to call my workout buddy ~ I have a friend that really wants to get on track but she hates working out so we make plans to play raquetball, unfortunately our schedules haven't matched up and it was keeping me from working out. Now I go to spin class at 9:30 and if she shows up at 10:30 i get to burn more calories. If not then I just do my weight lifting.

    You are much more likely to show up if you have to SIGN UP ~ one reason I love spin class I have to sign up for it. Another way to make sure you show up is to make a date with a friend. You could try joining a regional group here on MFP to find a workout buddy or a lot of gyms have a place where you can post.

    Make it fun ~ google "women's soccer in **mytown**" If you want to play soccer, think of something you wouldn't hate.

    If 'working out" isn't working out so well try "go play" like tennis, raquetball, soccer, do what kids do ~ jump rope or ride a bike, if you have kids that's easy, just do it with a child, they an always outlast us and it's very satisfying when you finally wear out your kid, it took me a while but I finally beat my daughters score in wii fit hula hoop (which is a great workout ~ and my daughter asking for a rematch cuts down on her being hyperactive and prevents me from being sedentary!. Bear in mind any movement is better than none so if all you do is jump rope for 5 min, it's better than not showing up, tomorrow you can make it 6 min.
  • spchastain
    Like many of the others in the group, I am my biggest challenge. Boy, can I make excuses for overeating and not exercising! I am tired of looking at the fat person in the mirror and watching my "big girl" pants get tighter and tighter. So, I've decided it's time to take control of the chaos. I've begun recording my food again and have exercised two days this week. Already feeling better physically and emotionally. Not looking to be a size 6, just a place where I'm comfortable and healthy!
  • glitzy196
    glitzy196 Posts: 190 Member
    yummy food is my biggest challenge!!!!

    I am a very picky eater--there is just no way around it, I eat worse than most toddlers because i seriously HATE almost all vegetables and anything low calories. I can't stand lettuce, and by the time i put enough crap on it there is more calories than a double cheeseburger so why bother..???

    SO it is learning to accept really small portions of the food I will eat. so far it has been OK..although eye opening that a freaking hamburger and small fry at mcdonalds is 700 calories WITHOUT ketchup!!!

    those are my biggest challenges. I am self employed, limited income and have 2 small children so finding time to prep food, grocery shop and make it to the gym is next to impossible.
  • cuinboston2014
    cuinboston2014 Posts: 848 Member
    My biggest challenge, hands down, is snacking.

    I'm great at getting my workouts in. Great at watching portions. But snacks sneak up on me. So I've limited what I have at my access at work. I don't bring money for the vending machines. Even healthy snacks can get to be too much. It kills my boredom at work.

    Coffee helps me reduce my snacking too but I am trying to drink less - partly due to trying to get pregnant and partly because 8 cups a day can really hurt my stomach lol
  • MaryMBacon
    MaryMBacon Posts: 94 Member
    Have you tried herbal teas? You'll want to make sure they're not a medicinal kind of tea since you're trying to get pregnant but one of my favorites is apple cinnamon from celestial seasonings. It has enough flavor I don't need sugar. It's hot so you sip it slowly and it's not caffienated so it won't keep you up or hurt your stomach. the nice thing is it "goes with" the cinnamon listerine, which is my other anti-snack trick I brush and use the listerine to keep myself from eating but I can still enjoy the apple cinnamon tea.
  • BMcC9
    BMcC9 Posts: 4,440 Member
    Have you tried herbal teas? You'll want to make sure they're not a medicinal kind of tea since you're trying to get pregnant but one of my favorites is apple cinnamon from celestial seasonings. It has enough flavor I don't need sugar. It's hot so you sip it slowly and it's not caffienated so it won't keep you up or hurt your stomach. the nice thing is it "goes with" the cinnamon listerine, which is my other anti-snack trick I brush and use the listerine to keep myself from eating but I can still enjoy the apple cinnamon tea.

    Stash Brand Pumpkin Spice Tea!!!!!!

    Peppermint (any brand, but usually Lipton's for me) is also a good general flavor. Reminicent of candy-canes but without the sugar.
  • BMcC9
    BMcC9 Posts: 4,440 Member
    Logging and eating well have always been challenges - and this year it has also been moving at any kind of speed. Even before I started doing a lot of nothin' (dealing emotionally with impact of death in the immediate family this past spring) my intensity level was steady but low (Wii Walk It Out Game) and barely breaking even calorie burn compared to calorie input.

    But I just discovered Wii Zumba Core (2 days behind me so far, and over 800 calories burned between the two sessions) So energy-spent and interest are both looking way up now. The slider on my Ticker will be moving in a positive direction real soon.
  • MaryMBacon
    MaryMBacon Posts: 94 Member
    Can you tell me more about the wii walk it out game, I never heard of it. I use the Wii fit and find the best cardio workout is actually the obstacle course under "other" I have the step raiser and even with that the advanced step is too easy, I use a polar heart rate monitor and I actually burn more calories on the obstacle course in 30 min than at a spin class, but I get frustrated when it resets me for accidentally jumping lol so I can't get past that 4th level but I also get a great workout on the hula hoop game but now my daughter is really mad at me because I beat her high score lol. We're always looking for new great workouts I can do at home because both my kids are hyperactive and it's not soccer season so I need to get THEM moving too now.
    Do you love the zumba wii game?
  • BMcC9
    BMcC9 Posts: 4,440 Member
    The game is by Konami, in NA it is known as "Walk It Out" and in Europe it is called "Step To The Beat". Here's a youtube review http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AbvP2I1nh8s slightly tounge in cheek at times but definately shows it all.

    Konomi doesn't make it any more, so copies are getting more expensive - the Facebook Wii WIO Fan Page may find less expensive ones from time to time and let the group know.

    If you go to my Profile pictures, you will see a map of the island. You walk in time to the music, and as you "build up the point score" you can open the "event bubbles" to literally build and develop the island around you. That way there is constant reinforcement to keep going. Every calendar day 7 coloured balls are randomly scattered though where ever you have already been. Open all seven, and you create a rainbow that stays in the sky off the north shore until the Wii console clock reads midnight - then it vanishes until you find the next set.

    The review says you can't use it on a treadmill - I've put the nunchuck in my back pocket and been on my eliptical. You just have to take the time to match the range of song speeds to what you can do. Or start it going / switch tv channels as you would for the Wii Fit Plus free run or free step - then go back later and spend all the accumulated points before signing off.
  • BMcC9
    BMcC9 Posts: 4,440 Member
    Konomi doesn't make it any more, so copies are getting more expensive - the Facebook Wii WIO Fan Page may find less expensive ones from time to time and let the group know.

    Someone from the Facebook Group just bought it at Amazon. I checked both Amazon.com and Amazon.ca Both have it for decent prices (both new and used --$20 - $35) . This is great because they used to be $99 or so. Maybe more got released?
  • BMcC9
    BMcC9 Posts: 4,440 Member
    Do you love the zumba wii game?
    Yes I love the zumba wii game. The Core version (2012) has so many different dance styles throughout the routines! I basically started dancing by age 5 and never really stopped. Jack of All Dance Styles - master of none. But I have so many elements and short combinations stored away in my muscle memory that breaking down and figuring out a new routine is an unconcious-level skill - like quickly sounding out new words and grasping context-meaning when reading. Then my body just has to catch up with the speed.

    I am looking forward to being able to do many of these routines well and with style. For now - just get through with ever increasing percentage of adding arms to the feet. (Feet figured out first - all ways feet first / arms are accessories)
  • MaryMBacon
    MaryMBacon Posts: 94 Member
    cool, I'm using Wii fit plus and I seem to get the best workouts on the hula hoop and the obstacle course which is filed under "other" not aerobic but using my heart rate monitor those two get my HR up the highest, I have a calorie booster kit from SAMS club that has a little riser for the step for the step program but even with that it's just a warm up - cool down I can't get my HR up high enough, it also came with a bunch of usless things like weighted gloves but it was cheaper than the step riser alone. Mostly I take spinning classes but on the days I don't get there it's nice to have an in-house option and it's something I can play against my kids and get them moving too.
  • kward0222
    kward0222 Posts: 10 Member
    My biggest challenge is trying to stay motivated and positive when the scale just doesn't go my way. I track every bite I put in my mouth, that includes cough drops if I need one. I gave up all caffeine, and that was a HUGE challenge because I LOVE coffee. But my biggest challenge is to no get discouraged if the scale is stuck on the same number. For two weeks I didn't lose anything. I was starting to get depressed about it. I checked MFP to see what I had eaten that could cause this, but I realized that I have done nothing wrong. Sometimes your body just takes a small time out and when it's done, you drop weight fast. After my plateau was finished I dropped 4 pounds in two days. Not typical, I know, but it did wonders for my attitude. I also started measuring my body. Just because you don't lose pounds, you may be losing inches. Then I got into the deep dark places in my closet and found a smaller pair of pants (I have many sizes) and they fit.... So now I am concentrating on every single victory, not just the pounds on the scale. If anyone has any other suggestions, I am all ears....