Doing more?

Does anyone do any other workouts after or before any of the JM Body Rev. workouts? I'm asking because before I started this program I was working out for at least 45 minutes a day and did strength training but with a lot more cardio mixed in. Sometimes I don't feel like the cardio intervals are enough. Or I can be worrying for no reason and over thinking things lol.


  • Daisychain65
    Daisychain65 Posts: 161 Member
    For me the good thing is that it only takes 30 minutes and I can see results just doing that. Basically I'm lazy at heart :blushing: so for me this is enough. I have in past done 90 min + a day of exercise and for me this works just as well and I'm much happier at not to spend more time than I have to.
    I think you should do more if you want to, after all it can't do any harm as long as you are eating enough to fuel yourself. If you don't want to, then why not give it a try and see what happens you can always up it later. It's worth bearing in mind that a lot of people (though certainly not all) didn't have huge weight loss in the first phase, I lost 4lbs in phase one (I eat around 1700cals a day), but my measurements reduced everywhere. The second phase seems to be when people really drop the pounds. I'm only half way through that so I haven't weighed yet but my body shape has changed a lot in the last couple of weeks so I'm really hopeful.
    Hope this helps and good luck
  • ktully93
    ktully93 Posts: 160 Member
    kelbelll- We are all at different levels of fitness, and so I think you should do what you feel best. My suggestion would be cardio after the strength training videos so you aren't tiring out too quickly for strength portion. I just finished the program, and I had awesome results without doing even all the cardio she has in the schedule. I know that next time I do the program I will be stronger and push to complete all 6 days each week.

    I only lost 5.2 pounds; however, I dropped 14 inches total.
  • noemibp
    noemibp Posts: 167
    I started on august so I could do BR, 10k training and her Kickbox fastfix. Now I don't have time. :(
    I'll start running again in a couple of weeks when I finish BR. Now I do Kickbox Fastfix some days (when I feel fat.)
  • Happytofu
    Happytofu Posts: 27 Member
    I cycle nearly an hour every day for my work commute, I run 10K at least once a week, and I am quite fond of the Cardio 1 workout, so I always do that before my strength workouts. I definitely agree that 30 minutes doesn't feel like enough, and I really don't like the idea of only 60 minutes of cardio a week.
  • brobic8
    brobic8 Posts: 12
    Maybe every other day I do a 20-30 minute run on the treadmill before I start my Body Revolution DVD. I find it gets me warmed up quicker!
  • kelbelll- We are all at different levels of fitness, and so I think you should do what you feel best. My suggestion would be cardio after the strength training videos so you aren't tiring out too quickly for strength portion. I just finished the program, and I had awesome results without doing even all the cardio she has in the schedule. I know that next time I do the program I will be stronger and push to complete all 6 days each week.

    I only lost 5.2 pounds; however, I dropped 14 inches total.

    Congratulations!!! You really did get amazing results!! Im hoping for the same but your right everyone is different. Yesterday after workout 5 I did 30 minutes of Turbo Jam and felt great. So I think I'm gonna try to do at least some cardio after the strength training workouts.
  • hollyelise68
    hollyelise68 Posts: 96 Member
    I am doing other workouts. I am doing the C25K, daily elliptical, and then trying to get in a 2nd workout every day on top of those- I am mixing up my Biggest Loser Cardio Max, Tae Bo, Shred. My goal is to burn 1000 exercise calories a day.
  • 1ZenGirl
    1ZenGirl Posts: 432 Member
    I've decided that I"m going to do this program in the mornings and either Yoga, spinning or running at night. That will get me where I need to go.