Incentives to Complete the Ultimate Accountability Challenge

jmom376 Posts: 234 Member
Hi all, This will be my second month participating in the Ultimate Accountability Challenge. I am just one day away from completing the October Ultimate Accountability Challenge. One thing that really helped me during the challenge was that I tied an incentive to completing the challenge. Just completing the challenge is a reward in itself, but having an incentive tied to it too, really helped me. If I complete the challenge, my husband is buying me a new pair of nice running shoes.

Below you will find a couple of suggestions..

1. If you eat lunch/dinner out a lot, how about eating at home or packing a lunch and putting the money you saved in a jar, at the end of the challenge, you could use that money to purchase your incentive. If you don't complete the challenge, you would save the money for the next challenge, etc.

2. Make an agreement with someone in your life that they will do something for you if you complete the challenge.. (I.e., buy you lunch, buy you something you really want, cook you breakfast every Sunday, etc.) Make it something that you wouldn't normally getfor yourself.

3. Think of something that you wouldn't normally do and promise yourself that you will do it, if you complete the challenge. (i.e., leave the kids with someone and spend several hours just relaxing, etc.)

Good luck everyone!


  • marye2021
    marye2021 Posts: 225 Member
    Thanks for the suggestions!! Gotta think of a good reward for myself!
  • jenniferswooten
    jenniferswooten Posts: 137 Member
    Fabulous idea!
  • grillnchill
    grillnchill Posts: 772 Member
    I love this idea. I see a nice deep tissue massage at the end of November. ^_^
  • litoria
    litoria Posts: 239 Member
    I bought a really nice shirt yesterday - My goal is to fit into it by the end of November. That's my incentive :)
  • SgtBA_Diana
    SgtBA_Diana Posts: 156 Member
    I like the running shoes suggestion!! I have something else to look forward to at the end of the challenge :happy:
  • carlsoda
    carlsoda Posts: 3,424 Member
    Great idea! I've been holding onto a coupon for a pedicure so maybe that should be my reward! I haven't had one in ages!!!

    Good luck everyone and keep your goals in mind when you feel temptation. Just thing how great you will look at Christmas parties, etc :)
  • SummerIsis
    SummerIsis Posts: 141 Member
    I'll be asking for a new outfit for the holidays.