General chat

TinyCake81 Posts: 31 Member
I thought maybe we could have a general chat thread for those who just want to chatter on with how they are doing?

I'm in the UK and it's 8am so I can't sign in yet but I wanted to stop by the UAC since it's our official starting day :)

How's everyones day going so far?


  • grillnchill
    grillnchill Posts: 772 Member
    So far so good over here. Woke up at 5:40 am and got Insanity done for the day. Going to make some breakfast before I finish getting ready for work.

    5pm can't come fast enough. :tongue:
  • msmimi
    msmimi Posts: 381 Member
    :smile: HaPpY DaY 1!!! :bigsmile:
    Well the 1st day of the challenge and I'm amped! I think I'm going to go back to exercising in the morning and getting it out of the way as soon as I can. The only thing I can see that's going to be hard is logging and staying under my calories. The last time I was successful I planned my meals and snacks a few days ahead of time. I'll do that as well.
  • Bebubble
    Bebubble Posts: 938 Member
    I can not tell you how good it is to hear how excited you guys are! This month should be fun!
  • operaprincess1
    operaprincess1 Posts: 89 Member
    Really excited about this. Have my meals planned for the weekend and following week and haven't missed a workout day in a while. Just remembering to update on here might be the hardest part. :)
  • lisamac62
    lisamac62 Posts: 305 Member
    Good morning everyone
    At the end of last month I got an upper respiratory infection and was unable to exercise for about 3 days or so. On Wednesday, 10/30, I received the 21 day heart monitor that the Cardiologist ordered. That darn thing is a pain in the butt, the only time I take it off is when I shower. It wakes me up several times during the night and a couple times I have unhooked myself which causes and alarm to go off. The crazy thing doesn't go off when I am exercising but will go off when my cat jumps up in my lap when I am so calm. hmmm just crazy. Anyways the upper respiratory infection is gone, however I just don't seem to have any energy anymore. I was feeling so good before I got sick, this morning I exercised (Leslie Sansone Ultimate 5 Day Walk Plan) I did the 3 mile walk which is 45 min....I had to PUSH myself to get through it, afterwards I could have went back to bed. Before, afterwards I was busting with energy and ready for anything the day threw at me, now not so much. What the heck .... I don't like this!!!!! Also, I have been losing and gaining the same 3 pounds since July so frustrating.
  • TinyCake81
    TinyCake81 Posts: 31 Member
    aww Lisa - so sorry to hear you've been feeling so rough.

    Sometimes an infection can really throw you out of sorts. You may not be feeling the symptoms now but your body may still be fighting it. Get plenty of rest and don't push yourself too soon.

    I have trouble with my iron levels and always seem to really suffer with them after any kind of illness so it might be worth getting them checked? Or just taking a good supplement to see if that helps? In any case, when my levels are low it can take me a couple of weeks to feel right even after a simple cold.

    Just spend some time pampering yourself and taking care of things that aren't too physically demanding. Luckily the UAC only asks for 20 minutes so a very gentle stroll in some fresh will count and could help you feel better too.

    And just wondering about the heart trace and the cat - was it purring? perhaps the monitor was picking up on that!
  • lisamac62
    lisamac62 Posts: 305 Member
    aww Lisa - so sorry to hear you've been feeling so rough.

    Sometimes an infection can really throw you out of sorts. You may not be feeling the symptoms now but your body may still be fighting it. Get plenty of rest and don't push yourself too soon.

    I have trouble with my iron levels and always seem to really suffer with them after any kind of illness so it might be worth getting them checked? Or just taking a good supplement to see if that helps? In any case, when my levels are low it can take me a couple of weeks to feel right even after a simple cold.

    Just spend some time pampering yourself and taking care of things that aren't too physically demanding. Luckily the UAC only asks for 20 minutes so a very gentle stroll in some fresh will count and could help you feel better too.

    And just wondering about the heart trace and the cat - was it purring? perhaps the monitor was picking up on that!

    Thanks TinyCakes81
    I just have to take it one day at a time :flowerforyou:
    Can you believe that the cell phone that my heart monitor is hooked up to died today. It would NOT charge at all. I called tech and they told me to unhook everything they are sending out a new battery and charger to rehook myself when it arrives. In the mean time I will probably get a well being check because there won't be any reads.
    Story of my life LOL
    Have a great week