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  • RoseTears143
    RoseTears143 Posts: 1,121 Member

    My thyroid has been pretty balanced for a few years now. Soon as i start to feel the change i go to the doc right away n ask for a lab script to get it sorted. The big difference for me lately has been foods and vitamins. It took a while but over the last 5 mos ive had a steady increase in energy. On days i eat a lot of fatty foods i find the next day im more sluggish, tired, moody ect. My days were pretty similar to yours when i was younger and my son was little. All i ever wanted to do was sleep, take a hot bath. Struggle to keep house and relied on my husband ALOT for helping around the house. It will get better as long as you stay on top of it. Dont be afraid to find new doctors if they arent helping you and being compassionate towards your needs but also remember it will take awhile before you get your balanced dose. Its ALOT of trial an error.

    Thank you so much!
    It's very reassuring to hear that I'm not stuck like this,
    and now know what to look forward to.

    I agree with the trial and error advice. Everyone is individual in how they react to thyroid disease. It's exhausting trying to get well - sort of seems like an oxymoron doesn't it? >_<
  • crunchybubblez
    crunchybubblez Posts: 387 Member
    Very much so.l